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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • Sell Rashford. That tells everyone in the club that they are not bigger than the club and are free to go if they do not want to work for it.

    That’s the best thing they can do.

    They have several young players that have potential. Play them in his place.

    Sell old players who destroy the locker room. They spend nearly 400mil since Ten Hag and most of his acquisitions do not even play and are warming the bench.

    They are entering a very dangerous spiral and I hope as a rival fan that they can fix that. I do not think they will be top 8 at the end of this season.

    I do not think sacking Ten Hag is a solution, as yes, he’s not doing good job, but the core squad is the same since the first sacking of a manager. I would suggest recycle the players and if that does not work, then goes the manager.

    It’s not managers fault if several managers who are highly regarded (ETH is basically on paper the worst of them) fail miserably without showing any progress along the way.

  • If you cheat as a player, then later on in your first proper managerial job, then go onto a club that cheats and say publicly “if we are found guilty, I will leave to have no association with this”, and yet, they have been found guilty by uefa (the only reason they did not see punishment is 5 years period, technicality, but they were found guilty) and yet stay there for several years…

    He was always shady, always lying, and if out of your 4 jobs 3 of them are tainted with cheating scandals, bribing, doping and so on… I would say its pretty safe to say that he knew or orchestrated most of those things. There were several managers at both City, Barca or other big clubs, managers like Mourino who have almost triple the length of their managerial career and did not see any cheating scandal, Pep in his “legacy” is since he stopped playing in some sort of cheating scandal. Thats not a “bad luck he was in bad teams”, thats being the driving force to encourage that cheating.

  • It also helps to pay apart from Manchester Shity (United), sorry guys, but the guys doing finances are just Shity. And then… Manchester OilCity.

    Who have ±40mil wage bill bigger than any other team in the league (Arsenal, apart from United, who are even with them)… below Arsenal is another 16mil drop to Chelsea. They essentially spend 25% more on wages. If you have the luxury to do that, the bench may be very competitive place to be and those guys might even be happy to be there.

    Just to put it into perspective. Their wage bill - 202mil. Arsenal 166 mil., Odegaard, Saka, Jesus, those 3 are 35mil, imagine you can have this caliber on top of the current squad and still fit within their budget. Lets say bench consisting of Vlahovič, Maddison, Rodrygo. And even with those 3 they would still be under the wage bill of City.

    Its not that hard to manage as it is hard to fit within your FFP 200+mil wage bill.

  • I rant about referees all the time, but this is not solution as referees are not the problém. Respectivelly, they are but not the on pitch. On pitch referee cant see everything, for example that Bruno elbow was out of play (ref is following ball) and VAR did not tell him to take a look at out of play that we may have missed. Its not his misstake. This simply happens. Or the assistant refs should let him know if they saw anything. Again. Did not happen.

    The problem is that the regular refs use the VAR and it’s the same group of refs that do other games on pitch. Why is it wrong? They all have their own pride, and they protect each other. If you as a VAR referee point out errors someone else does, who is stopping him to point out everything you miss when he’s the VAR at your game? They want to be buddy buddy with each other.

    Also. VAR is advanced technology. It needs people who know the rules, but also people who are technically gifted to operate it fast and efficiently enough (my reasoning behind that poor communication and the “we do not have angle” despite fans finding several viable angles within half an hour. They simply have no idea how to operate it efficiently. They are referees. Not techs. As a graphic designer if I get to teach new colleague, he won’t be as efficient within a year or so, even tho he knows and have idea what to do from day 1. Operating software is not for everyone. I can imagine teaching bunch of 40yo to operate it is their nightmare. And they have minute or so to find it and solve it. I don’t think they go through all cameras within that time frame.

    The solution? Find a technician who will be sleeping with the rule book. Do not let VAR make decisions. VAR should work so if red is not sure, he asks for help, if he missed something, they intervene, if they think something was judged poorly, they intervene. But I do not mean intervene in a sense that “you have yellow and it’s clear red, we give him a red you moron” but intervene in a sense “hey mate, it seems like you may wanna look at it again and from different angle” and referee goes, takes a look and he decides if his decision stands or not.

    There may be some discussion what they think or some “assistant” in the VAR room who will help to point out those situations, but he should not be the one operating the tech nor the one making decisions.

    Current system is set so they have no idea what are they doing. They feel betrayed if someone else changes their decisions and all they do is cover each others back so someone else does not screw them over next week. It’s poor design. Nothing more nothing less.

    But the referees itself, on pitch, are not the issue. Mistakes will happen and does not matter which referee do you bring in.

  • As people said. The way to make league more even is salary gap and reinforce FFP. If you find out the players are getting paid extra on the side punish them.

    Also. Distribution of talent. What I like about American sports are the draft lotteries. You have young pool of talented players which are knows to all clubs. But you cant buy them. The worst team chooses first. The best last. That evens the talent pool evenly across the league. (Issue in football is promotions). It works wonders for the sports. They get a lot of things wrong over there but this is very good way of balancing the league with some sort of luck in it.

    Also. They enforce junior/first contract which is the same for all players and has limit. I think football clubs can overpay players and let them sit on the bench. Also. Those young people often end up very poor. They are very young and make milions. They do dumb things. Are gamblers. Are in drugs. Problems with alcohol and discipline. Teams should be more responsible in this regard. Limit the contract players lets say under 20 can get. Teams should have responsibility to find a financial expert for these players and learn them how to be with that amount like. How to invest. How to setup your life. After they have those steps in place they can be allowed for big contracts. If players would get the same money everywhere, many may choose to be the main guy in a small club instead of being option 27 in a big one for more money. Simply because money talks. Which again distributes the talent pool.