How about we settle for a 5900X3D?
How about we settle for a 5900X3D?
How about a 5900X3D? We got a sneak peek at engineering samples of that, only for it never to be seen again.
I’m stuck on a 5800X I only got as a last resort because 5900X used to be super scalped back then, but neither the 5700X3D nor a 300 bucks 5800X3D upgrade are really appealing, while a 5900X3D would be a near instant sell.
I guess we never gonna see that because the 5800X3D being so great is already cannibalizing the 7 series too much.
In Germany/Austria it dropped to 280€ in September, hovered in the 300€ range in October, currently at ~320€
Pretty sure they specifically meant the 5800x without 3D, which is actually quite cheap for what it is, in Europe it goes for like half the price of the 5800x3D.
If their main use case is gaming then a 5700x3D will probably outperform a 5800x, while still costing less than a 5800x3D
the 5600x3d specifically exists as an artificial backstop to prevent 5800X3D prices from continuing to slide
How is that supposed to work when the 5600x3d is only available in the US at Microcenters?
That fringe existence doesn’t give it any relevance/impact for whole world market regions, i.e. Europe, where recently the 5800x3d went up in price, again, due to high demand.
That’s not a given because RCS is not a “feature”, it’s a mobile communications standard, a mobile communications standard the network operator must offer and activate in the contract.
And even that doesn’t mean much because over the years Google has repeatedly and consistently expanded RCS on Android to keep up with Apple’s features.
So if Apple now implements RCS, that doesn’t mean that they will also implement all of Android’s proprietary extensions. Particularly as those extensions include end-to-end encryption that Google supposedly offers over RCS, as default RCS is unencrypted.
Supposedly because no one can check if Google’s end-to-end actually works.
This means that anybody who values proven encrypted end-to-end still has to stick with Threema or Signal, as RCS does pretty much nothing on that end.