Big Tobacco Big Oil Big … Lead?
If you haven’t seen it, there an amazing episode of the new Cosmos that was done by Neil Degrasse Tyson that went over the entire lead industry (“Big Lead”) and how it was in our paints, in our gasoline, and everyone said it was just fine, scientific studies saying nope no problems. It’s the same damn thing all over again.
Been doing this for several years in my house.
My home office is in the basement, gets cold in the winter. Immediately when motion is detected in the master bedroom in the morning (and it’s a weekday and the outdoor temperature is below a certain amount) the space heater will automatically kick on for 1 hour to warm the room up.
I also have a Zigbee switch setup right at my desk that I can hit to pop it on again for a 1 hour interval during the day if I want.