Tap for spoiler
They’re turning the frogs mice gay trans!
I find it hard to believe that even the most ardent Trump supporters don’t cringe at seeing something like this posted on the official website of the whitehouse.
Even if someone (somehow) doesn’t know that human drugs and treatments are tested on mice (or other animals) before being tested on humans, they must at least feel some kind of shame/embarassment/humiliation at seeing a headline so petty and childish right under the whitehouse logo.
they do feel some sort of shame, by remaining silent on it. then again i dont think conservatives can self-reflect.
“They also spent millions on transgender cars!”
“That says transmission repair”
My favorite gender fluid is Castrol Transmax Import Multi-Vehicle Automatic Transmission Fluid
I feel like that should qualify as libel. I know Biden is a public figure so the rules are loose, but that’s gotta be crossing a line.
It is slowly becoming globally known how absolutely stupid the current administration is.
Something bad must be happening that has nothing to do with transgender animals.
The Fake News losers at CNN immediately tried to fact check it, but President Trump was right (as usual).
That’s real. That’s a real life quote from the real life, official white house website. “Wtaf” is an understatement here.
Strong North Korea vibes with a note of high school bully
“Transgenic sounds enough like transgender to me and now I’m pissed off for no reason. Hey boss!”- Stephen Miller, probably.
“As usual” 🤣 this is hilarious, just not a good and happy kind of hilarious
This reality is a strange blend of Idiocracy and 1984. It’s really hard to imagine describing the way things are now to an adult in the 1980s. The GOP being so in love with the Russians is something else, given the depth of all the anti Russian propaganda during the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s it’s crazy we ended up here.
Transgender… Animal Experiments? What the fuck are you even talking about?
Edit: These are just experiments showing if changes in hormones effect asthma and reactions to the HIV Vaccine, this is a clear case of “I’m counting on you to get mad and not read the article”
“Transgenic” is the actual word from those studies. As in, genetically altered. Because they were researching genetic causes and treatments for diseases.
But fuck it, transgender mice, whatever.
Trump got mad that people tried to fact check his claim that Biden spent millions on turning the mice trans. Then the Whitehouse officially released this at a rebuttal of the fact checks.
Every day I’m just wondering if all this is even reality. I think this is The Bad Place 🤔
I think what I find the most upsetting (not really, but that’s just the phrase), is just how unhinged it all is. If you sat me down, made it my job to come up with content like this, and gave me a full think tank of people… I could never come up with something this stupid.
You think you know right? You think there are limits to stupidity. You’ve met many people in your life, some smarter than others. You’ve read the news, you see what people do, you see how they react. You’re able to see just how stupid people can be.
There has to be a bottom. Then, oh look, a new and deeper hole.
It’s just absolutely wild that anyone could look at something like this and go, “Yeah, a well functioning human adult put that together.”
Muhahahahahahaha, aw man! I can’t believe that you figured it out! You really suck ERROR: Earth.exe has crashed.
rm -rf /
well, we created a system of social cohesion and coordination so strongly based on obedience to authority and staying in your lane that the authority doesn’t actually have to make sense or serve us for us to obey.
in fact, they don’t even need to acknowledge material reality. they can live completely, entirely, in their delusional ketamine fueled fantasy worlds, and we will still be killed for disobedience, no matter how mad and irrational their commands get. such a shame there’s no alternative.
Username tracks
They’re not turning mice ‘trans’; they’re turning science into a circus for political clowns.
This is going to seem unrelated, but I wish my fellow countrymen didn’t have a virtually unlimited appetite for finding out.
Can someone check my math? I’m estimating Trumps first term tax cuts saved the top 1% at least $100b durning his first term. Trump is complaining about less than $9m being spent here. $9m is 0.009% of $100b. Did I get that all right?
The experiment wasn’t even for transgender animals. It was for transgenic which is an entirely different thing.
transgenic mice has been used in research for decades too. you ever heard of scid mice, those are transgenic mice.
The Whitehouse was trying to make catgirls
Can someone check my math? I’m estimating Trumps first term tax cuts saved the top 1% at least $100b durning his first term.
It is closer to $2.5. trillion.
But you aren’t a conservative. If you ever argued with one about this it will boil down to: taxes are theft, the rich are entitled to those tax cuts.
taxes are theft,
the rich are entitled to those tax cuts.and it’s much easier to steal from poor and/or uneducated people.Fixed it for you.
I’m not a conservative. Just in case it wasn’t clear. I believe taxes are a bandaid, a stop gap that let’s the rich get away with too much, when we should instead seize the means of wealth generation.
Only Robots should be taxed
Sorry if there was any confusion. I meant for my post to be clarifying and entertaining.
I didn’t not intend to accuse you of support or dissent of anything.
No problem, communication online can sometimes be confusing.
True, and very sad when you consider that there is ample time and space to clarify, apologize, edit, or just walk away in the case of a miscommunication. We weren’t on the same page, and a little chat took care of that.
but of course; the poor are not.
The only right they understand is might. Like a pinata it only trickles down after beating it with a stick.
Researchers tested drug cross interactions. On mice. The most common subjects in lab tests.
Take a grain of truth. Twist it. It is the core idea behind every fascist propaganda machine.
there’s not even a grain of truth here; they thought he word ‘transgenic’ meant remotely the same thing as ‘transgender’. or thought nobody would check.
hes hoping his dimwitted supporters takes the bait
Also, take the opportunity to also attack freedom of the press, dehumanize trans people, and delegitimize scientific research and healthcare.
yes i clicked articles. headline is the article. how typicle.