• Jordan_U@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago


    Everyone thinking that the only two options are being quiet or being violent.

    Strikes are currently making those in power very uncomfortable, and are resulting in genuine progress for workers.

    In my area, people camping out in thousand year old trees has protected them time and again from being illegally logged.

    Black Lives Matter protests were loud and made the powerful uncomfortable, and despite media narratives it wasn’t “violent protesters” that made the powerful uncomfortable.

    It is true that any form of protest that is loud and inconveniencing enough to actually be productive will be met with state violence.

    It’s also true that some working for progress do use violence. But make no mistake, it’s not guns that made those in power uncomfortable when it came to Malcom X and the Black Panthers.

    The most radical and intimidating (to those in power) things the Black Panthers did were to give free food to schoolchildren, and free healthcare at their People’s Free Medical Clinics.

    Building community and mutual aid is subversive.

    Building community and mutual aid makes those in power uncomfortable.

    • Alien Nathan Edward@lemm.ee
      11 months ago

      Building community and mutual aid is subversive.

      This. Both the government and the major corporations depend on being able to extract wealth from real people getting what they need. If we build dual power structures, help one another out and cut the owner class out of the transaction entirely, we weaken them. Growing food in your garden is revolutionary. Clothing swaps are revolutionary. Cutting the old lady next door’s lawn, then eating the soup she made is an act that strikes at the fundamental underpinnings of the power structure set up by those who think that they should be entitled to our labor because they’ve been arbitrarily designated as the “owners” of things. We can and should remove them from the equation entirely.

    • SlopppyEngineer@discuss.tchncs.de
      11 months ago

      Building community and mutual aid makes those in power uncomfortable.

      Small mutual aid for local communities grow out into large social aid organizations that have political power. Politicians can make them redundant by unemployment, healthcare and pensions, or try to nip them in the bud.

    • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]@hexbear.net
      11 months ago

      One of the most subversive things you can do IMO is move your life and wealth to China

      or get hired for a gubment job and slack off/sell seekrits

      if you can’t do those two, then comes the 5 finger discount and IRL minecraft

      IRL socialist networks need to be secretive and disguised as something else. Maybe even “community watch” or something

  • D3FNC [any]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    Anytime I hear people say dumb shit like this I just start listing all the times anti-abortion activists either successfully murdered or attempted to murder their political opponents in the name of the pro life movement. A hit list of judges, physicians, nuns, retired old ladies that like to knit, they absolutely didn’t give a single fuck about any of this struggle session bullshit wreckers like to trot out to sabotage effective resistance

    Then I end with the date Roe got overturned, but they still somehow cannot connect the dots and want to talk about registering new voters or some fucking bullshit

    My take home message is it turns out that when white people actually want something they magically know what effective forms of protest actually look like (???!)

    • Jax@sh.itjust.works
      11 months ago

      Anytime I hear people say dumb shit … out to sabotage effective resistance

      Great points here

      Then I end … some fucking bullshit

      Still going strong

      white people bad

      Audible disgust

      • gayhitler420@lemm.ee
        11 months ago

        First things first: white people bad! If you have questions I’ll try to answer em, but the settlers in a settler colonial state are unequivocally bad.

        With that out of the way, the person you’re replying to is assuming you are already aware and recognize the ways that protest and direct action are coded and racialised in media. Pictures of white people are used with captions about a peaceful protest, pictures of black and brown people are used with captions about them “turning violent” and looting.

        The narrative that creates is one where white people are nonviolent and it’s the black and brown people who are associated with direct action.

        The point the person you’re replying to is making by saying

        turns out that when white people actually want something they magically know what effective forms of protest actually look like

        Is that the media narrative about white forms of protest being nonviolent is a lie.

        • Jax@sh.itjust.works
          11 months ago

          Ah, I see the point. I didn’t realize it was a commentary on how media portrays these issues.

          I struggle with the idea that all white people in the U.S. are somehow bad.

          • gayhitler420@lemm.ee
            11 months ago

            When I, or anyone else for that matter, talk about how white people are bad I’m talking about how the position they occupy in society is bad, not how an individual has committed some original sin of whiteness and must atone.

            Whiteness is a social construct used to enforce racialized class society.

            A person can no more atone for the classification society created and laid upon them than they can shake off that classification itself.

            The thing that is bad about white people is their position in racialised class society in the settler colonial state. An individual white person can uphold all the rules and morals you could name but will still occupy the role of oppressor in the hierarchy everyone lives under.

            The usual response people give to me is something along the lines of “well what if a white person fought against racial oppression, they wouldn’t be bad and you would be wrong!” Combined with usually either Lincoln or John brown as examples. Those are great examples of how the settler colonial state will protect itself and will find an outlet for its appetites. Lincoln fought against the Dakota uprising and brown was killed for his insurrection.

            I don’t bring that up to make an easy dunk over the head of some guy I made up, but to preempt the response that seems to be on everyone’s lips.

            If a person is raised as a certain type of person with every aspect of society behaving towards them with respect to that typification, included in which is the normalization and reification of the relationship that type is a part of, the person will “be” what that type is within that relationship.

            Remember the funny dub king fu movie, “we trained him wrong as a joke”? Imagine “we trained him to ~be white~ as a ~way to ensure the propagation of class society~”

            • Jax@sh.itjust.works
              11 months ago

              All of what you’re saying makes sense, and I believe you believe what you’re saying.

              I don’t know if I buy that everyone that says white people are bad have this much thought going into it. My experience with people suggests that this simply can’t be true, as there are far too many individuals (especially with the access to information we have these days) that seek others to think for them and act according to their declarations.

              What you’re saying, however, all adds up. I don’t disagree with anything you’ve said.

              • gayhitler420@lemm.ee
                11 months ago

                It may come as a surprise to you, but my views are not birthed fully formed out of my forehead.

                It took years of reading, conversation and consideration to reach that place. A huge part of that wasn’t even reaching the conclusions but was instead figuring out how to put them into words and how to express them under the sort of violence and history averse liberal framework of polite discussion that people expect.

                All that is to say: Very little of what I’ve written are my own original ideas and thoughts. Am I letting others think for me? I demonstrably have. Am I acting according to their decisions. I am at this very moment doing so.

                So I’d say it’s less important that people have thought and read deeply than it is for them to recognize and accept the correct understanding.

                To put it another way, if you holler “think fast!” and toss a ball to someone, does it matter if they trained extensively to recognize that it’s better for them to make that catch than the third baseman or just whipped around and caught whatever was coming reflexively?

                It doesn’t matter in that case, but it would be best if a person figure out weather it’s a kitchen knife, water balloon or baseball before they move to make the catch. The analog to our trained catcher there maybe would be a vanguard party, whose members train and study to be able to lead movements and recognize and counter any reactive or reformist tendencies within those movements.

                Maybe when a person who doesn’t express it like I have or in the context of the settler colonial state says “white people are bad” it doesn’t matter if they can do so or simply responds “I hate them” when pressed.

                The onus is on all people of right mind and heart to hear the cry of the colonized, and not upon the colonized to fit their protest into the presuppositions of their oppressors.

                • Jax@sh.itjust.works
                  10 months ago

                  I know this is a late response, I did just forget to respond, but looking through my past conversations lead me back here.

                  I don’t think there’s anything wrong with utilizing information uncovered by others to guide your worldview. I think it’s elegant, why reinvent the wheel?

                  However, we live in a world filled with people that have been trained by social media to find the fastest route to justifying their personal views.

                  Think of it the same way as the “20% of the population, 50% of the crime” statistic. Big number better than small number. Small number responsible for bad big number, small number bad. No nuance, no context, they see the statistic and think “me me no number good, but I don’t like black people so this tracks”.

                  You can clarify all you want after the fact. When your message is “yt ppl bad” you cannot expect that every person reading will go through your detailed and nuanced explanation of why whiteness is bad. The average person will see the surface level and go no further.

                  Just food for thought. This isn’t just about “the colonized fitting their protests into the presuppositions of their oppressors”. Think about all these white people suddenly behaving like they’re being “oppressed”. I’m sure you’ve heard about it, despite it being fucking ridiculous considering it’s entirely online.

                  When Billy the inbred sees “yt people bad” do you think he’s going to give a shit when you give a detailed and nuanced explanation of why whiteness is bad ? No, he’s going to take 5 minutes learning what “yt” means, then be insulted. Then he’s going to experience more of that shit, and come to the conclusion that he’s oppressed. But he feels fine! He gets to fuck his sister everyday, if that’s being oppressed then sign him up!

                  Suddenly, there’s -1 person that thinks oppression is 1) still a problem and 2) really as bad as people say it is.

                  Seems like a recipe for two sides that hate each other. Don’t know how you see that ending in anything other than bloodshed.

    • crackajack@reddthat.com
      11 months ago

      There is only so much that revolutions could do though. Attacking police and authorities because they attacked you for having peaceful protest? That’s reasonable, it is self-defence. But looting businesses and attacking properties? No. People love the French revolution and abolishing a corrupt regime, but not its subsequent Terror by the revolutionaries.

        • crackajack@reddthat.com
          11 months ago

          Edit: after further, conversation. The person I replied turned out to be a communist of whatever type to be turning a blind eye to communist atrocities.

          Edit2: The high level of sophistry, deliberate lying, the constant shifting of goal post and gaslighting indicates egomaniacal and psychopathic tendencies. Specimen nonetheless exhibit high level of intelligence, yet vapid statements, which reinforces hypothesis. The interlocutor also deliberately and selectively avoid questions being addressed and performs whataboutism to hide issues brought up. The person constantly creates non-sequitur points such as “So, if the person is trying to make the argument that communism is the reason atrocities happen, then the burden is on them to explain why they also happen under capitalism.” Premise A is the position communism causing atrocities, which does not follow Premise B which is demanding to explain why atrocities happen under capitalism, in order to explain why Premise A happens. The circular logic is standard practice among trolls and bad faith arguers. Moreover, did the person just admit that he/she is okay with the killing under communism because capitalism does it too?

          Nobody is talking about justifying random violence here.

          At least you’re not one of those leftists. The Marxist-Leninists always advocate for violent revolution simply because of slight inefficiencies. They blame everything as fault of capitalism. I remember at the height of the pandemic, there is the famous news of long line of cars queuing in the motorway in Texas for shopping. A guy (turned out to be a forum moderator) blamed it on capitalism. I pointed out it is straight up lie when it’s clear that it is the fault of the pandemic messing up the supply chain. No one could have foreseen the pandemic and its effects. The guy proceeded to ban me for pointing out the obvious lie.

              • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
                11 months ago

                No, I don’t think I would. And if you learn a bit about Marxism-Leninism you’d see that either people you talked to didn’t understand what they were talking bout, or you yourself didn’t understand what they were telling you. ML theory is pretty clear on why revolutions happen, and how to conduct revolutions properly.

                • crackajack@reddthat.com
                  11 months ago

                  Well, it’s not like people don’t have different interpretations of things. There is a reason why there are so many violent far left. The Red Army faction, Indian and Filipino communists and Bolsheviks comes to mind, all of whom profess to be Marxist-Leninists.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.ml
            11 months ago

            @crackajack@reddthat.com is a troll and a liar completely misrepresenting what he is being told, which is that the same kinds of atrocities that happen under communism also happen under capitalism, and often on a far bigger scale. So, if the person is trying to make the argument that communism is the reason atrocities happen, then the burden is on them to explain why they also happen under capitalism.

            It’s almost as if bad things happen in every human society, and what we actually have to look at is what system does a better job mitigating these problems. Of course, this is an adult concept that a troll here isn’t able to comprehend.

          • PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
            11 months ago

            Leftist know that if violence is to be used, it must be targeted at specific people not random. As for the pandemic messing up the supply chains, the only reason international supply chains exist is because someone can make more money shipping pineapples to china to exploit the workers there and then ship them back to the US to sell for a 250% markup. If providing pineapples to people were the end goal a lot of supply chains would be much shorter and more robust.

  • ILikeBoobies@lemmy.ca
    11 months ago

    Look at the US, they begged England for representation. Even after they gave an ultimatum they begged to stay but it didn’t work and they had a war that France won

  • casmael@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    This reminds me of the Douglas Adams thing from ‘last chance to see’

  • Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
    11 months ago

    The entirety of history also shows that a whole lot of people need to be ready to die for the cause for social change to happen.

    So, still feeling up for it?

    • MonsiuerPatEBrown@reddthat.com
      11 months ago

      That is the question:

      live in an unjust and amoral society

      or die trying to make a righteous one.

      The stoics, at least Seneca, opted for the former.

      • tetris11@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        He really wasn’t given much of a choice. He just chose his stance on the one option he had.

        • MonsiuerPatEBrown@reddthat.com
          11 months ago

          Seneca was one of the wealthiest Romans of his time.

          He more than 99% of the Empire had a choice. He happened to be rich and choose status quo. Who ever would have guessed that ?

      • psycho_driver@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        or die trying to make a righteous one.

        . . . and realize that your new, righteous society will quickly collapse into corruption and amorality because a society is filled with people.

    • StrayCatFrump@slrpnk.net
      11 months ago

      a whole lot of people need to be ready to die for the cause for social change to happen.

      For the change to not happen, a whole lot of people need to be ready to keep dying from the status quo. It’s incredible that some people still think a war isn’t being waged when we don’t resist the oppression and exploitation. Here you are implying those who are ready to fight for themselves—and for you!—are your enemies, when your real enemies know the lesson you refuse to learn:

      There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.

      —Warren Buffett

      So, still feeling like leaving us all to continue being slowly murdered as you sit and do nothing?

        • StrayCatFrump@slrpnk.net
          11 months ago

          Nope. That’s really not the question, in fact. What a shitty, boring, “utilitarian” view of the struggle for liberation. Why are you even in this community, liberal?

          • Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
            11 months ago

            Yes, it’s exactly the question that needs to be asked in relation to my original argument. If people feel that more will die from a revolution than from the status quo then good luck convincing people to increase their chance to die.

            Heck, the fact that we’re here and able to discuss this in the first place shows how spoiled we are even if things aren’t as good as they could be. People that are really poor don’t have a computer or a cellphone to communicate on a niche website.

            People in first world countries are walking with a pebble in their shoe and some are complaining that we need to stop and remove it, the majority doesn’t care when they see people from third world countries walking with a broken foot.

    • irmoz@reddthat.com
      11 months ago

      Eating breakfast won’t force change

      Brushing your teeth won’t, either

      Nor will telling your mother you love her

      Being an anarchist doesn’t mean every action you do has to be praxis

    • raven [he/him]@hexbear.net
      11 months ago

      If I do it by myself I go to prison, my life is ruined, and nothing changes. If I get several thousand people to do it with me then several people go to prison, a few probably die, my odds are probably pretty good and things have a nonzero chance of being changed.

      Your 3rd grader conception of hypocrisy doesn’t apply here.