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- autism@lemmy.world
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- autism@lemmy.world
The only problem with that setup is the grease from the pizza box getting on the carpet.
Balance it precariously on top of a too-small box, you heathen.
A too-small box such as the GameCube.
You have been unsubscribed from game night invites.
Nah fam
I remember reading that Nintendo designed the SNES with a hump to help prevent people from setting food and drinks on it since the NES made a great table for things to spill on. Guess they gave up when they designed the Gamecube!
First design decision was probably to improve the design, second one was when they realized that the bad design made more money when people needed to replace consoles.
I was going to say maybe it’s because you can stack flat consoles and a lot of entertainment stands are easier to access the front from than the top, but you still had to access the top of the flat GCN.
That’s why they vent out the sides, like a open air convection oven
This hurts my back.
Neck too from when you eventually lay down to deal with your back pain.
Then tailbone, from when you try to awkwardly prop yourself up into a hybrid position.
Then neck again when you go prone.
Then back again when you hide in a box
snake? Snake?
Sorry, Colonel. I am trying to sneak around, but I’m dummy thicc and the clap of my asscheeks keeps alerting the guards
But at least you’ll get some nice hemorrhoids from sitting on the floor
I may be a man, but my back hurts just looking at that picture.
Give me a comfy chair if I’m going to game and drink and eat pizza.
Also, there is a distinct lack of doggies.
Also, there is a distinct lack of doggies.
That’s what it was. I was wondering why it looked odd. The carpet is too clean. They must have just moved in. There should be dog hair in it.
No dogs or cats. No chair. Otherwise is fire
Imagine shitting on someone’s way of life because it’s not your own
Well they are playing with a cube and look at the viewing angle of the TV. Eat that pizza and stick it under the Tv so your neck doesn’t get sore.
Hard agree. I once when moving in a friend asked where they were going to mount their tv. They said “Over the fireplace… There’s not really anywhere else to put it.” End of day the “fireplace” (shit electric thing it was) was ripped from the wall and chilling in the garage.
Friends do not let friends play video games at shit veiwing angles.
Lay down with your tummy on the carpet for a different neck and back pain 😀
Ok I’m gonna guess you’re missing the joke for autism or whatever, so I’ll explain. The person in the pic probably uploaded it themselves and just wanted to share their nostalgia.
I understand the joke, and as an aside brought up that real people do this irl.
Nothing to do with autism lmfao. Sorry you couldn’t understand what I meant and felt the need to say some ignorant ass shit instead lmao.
Who’s shitting now?
Or it could just be a humorous joke that everybody enjoys, except for that one miserable douchbag who insists on ruining everybody else’s fun because mama didn’t love them enough or whatever your problem is.
Username checks out
I’m not hungover yet, but I will be in the morning.
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The only thing I have issue with is putting the greasy pizza box on the carpet.
No reason to destroy your carpet just because you want to be minimalist.
At least put a blanket down. Then you can just pop it in the wash.
No reason to destroy your carpet
I would argue there is no sane reason to have wall to wall carpeting in the first place in most situations especially if you have pets.
I can’t disagree with you there.
Perhaps this gentleman decided he didn’t want carpets anymore and doesn’t care what happens to them until the day comes to rip them out.
However my guess is he never even thought that far ahead.
Likely a rented apartment where you have no choice.
All the more reason to not fuck the rugs up. Unless you want to donate your security deposit.
does grease soak through the bottom of pizza boxes?
Oohhhhh ya. That’s why you can’t recycle pizza boxes. They soak up grease.
Take a look at the bottom of a pizza box next time you order pizza.
I never order pizza. I’m a healthy person with six-pack abs but dangit my doctor told me yesterday a recent breast biopsy came back malignant so I have to get surgery next week 😭, So we can all try our damndest to be healthy, but cancer doesn’t discriminate.
This is going to sound obvious but that depends on how greasy the pizza is. It can happen.
Not if you get good pizza
That is a hot and ready for sure
That makes no sense at all.
Good pizza is just as greasy as bad pizza.
By nature a pizza is greasy due to all of the melted cheese.
That’s like saying a good burger isn’t greasy. Of course it’s going to be greasy.
I’ve had good cheesy pizzas that have less grease. If you pick up the pizza and the bottom of the box is damp it’s too greasy.
What do you consider “good” pizza?
I’ve made a lot of pizza in my day and it’s damn near impossible to avoid grease.
It comes from the pepperoni and cheese and anything else fatty that you top it with.
Are you saying good pizza is made with ingredients that don’t have fatty grease? You’d have to use low fat cheese, etc. To me that isn’t “good” pizza.
As for pizzas I get from restaurants I’ve never had one that didn’t have at least some grease in the pizza box. This is coming from someone that lives in the NY area where pretty much all pizza there is gourmet authentic pizza and not franchise pizza like dominos.
I think our definitions of good pizza are way different.
Good pizza should have some grease to it, otherwise the ingredients are questionable.
Literally had pizzas with these ingredients that weren’t too oily and greasy. It’s possible and tastes so much better.
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Both statements are entirely valid, as neither pizza nor burgers require meat or cheese.
Good point but if you work in a pizza restaurant you’ll realize almost NO ONE orders pizza without cheese. There is the very rare order it happens but it’s extremely rare.
So technically you are right but in practicality you are way off.
However with a burger it’s the meat that is greasy. Not so much the cheese. So unless you’re having a non-beef burger (not really a burger) it’s going to be greasy no matter what you put on it.
True, restaurant/delivery pizza - even vegan options - are almost universally super oily.
Non-meat burgers are most definitely burgers, and do have the benefits of not only having more variety, but are easily made to be actually healthy if desired.
Says someone who’s never doused their pizza in oil.
The pizza in general looks nasty. Too small in diameter, too much dough for the toppings, too much grease. I’ve had frozen pizza that looked better than this abomination.
I mean to be fair, it looks like Little Caesars. The point of it is it’s cheap.
Also they left the lid open so the pizza is getting cold quick.
Agreed. This is your run of the mill franchise pizza. It’s all garbage imo compared to real authentic pizza.
Sadly most people have never experienced authentic pizza because out west it’s all franchise pizza. You gotta come to the east coast for the good stuff.
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Just completely ignoring the unique beauty that is Midwest/Chicago/tavern style thin crust pizza. Or Detroit style pizza. Or any of the other various and delicious regional styles in the dozens of states between the coasts. Nope, the only pizza that exists is west coast franchises, and the ‘’‘real’‘’ stuff on the east coast.
Open yourself up to new experiences man, the world of pizza is wide and wild, and a ton of fun if you let loose of your elitist “the only ‘’‘real’‘’ pizza is east coast pizza” schtick.
When I go to Detroit or Chicago I’ll be enthusiastic to try it. Never said I was against it. As long as it’s a legit restaurant and not dominos or some franchise shit.
But I am happy to shit on franchise pizza because it sucks in comparison to what you listed, or the east coast. Which is the entire point.
Feel free to disagree. I don’t care because my taste buds know the difference.
That wireless controller is a bit pointless if you’re sitting 1.5m away from the screen. Gotta give her that.
It’s called a WaveBird!
And you had to sit that close or else a cordless phone or other wireless device might interefere with the signal and stop registering inputs.
Cordless… phone…?
Haha you’re old! (and so am I but never mind that)
GameCube came out 20+ years ago. We’re all old down here.
Wavebird is the GOAT. Best name, best controller. Personally, I never had interference problems that couldn’t be fixed by changing the channel on the controller and even that was pretty rare.
Depends with the Wavebird. Due to using RF, the range can be pretty good. Or really bad if you live in a busy city.
Every '90s and '00s manufacturer looking at 2.4GHz
is for me 🥺?
Now you can move the pizza directly in front for the perfect loading screen snack with no obstacles!
I mean… it’s not like the place is filthy. No piles of dirty clothes or dishes.
Also I’m reminded of a woman I know who has a very nicely decorated home, but mounted her TV so none of the ports are accessible. Want to plug something into the hdmi port? Well, you can’t. TV looks nice on the wall, though.
To be honest with a smart TV most of the ports are useless. Most women I know don’t have many extra things to plug in to the TV
Until a year or two after you buy your “smart” tv when it doesnt have the resources to run netflix with subtitles on because apparently that’s too intensive
speaking from experience here.
Smart TVs are dumb, set top boxes are king
Yeah I don’t need pesky wires or plugs to connect my surround sound system to my fancy smart TV, I can just use hopes and dreams
I have a sound bar that can apparently connect via Bluetooth but I can’t work out why anyone would do that. You’ve gone to the trouble of getting an expensive soundbar so why would you then connect it via an inferior system that results in worse sound quality?
Does it say there’s no delay?
That’s not possible… definitely going to have some latency on Bluetooth.
I laughed for way too long at this
TBF you can still use the optical port.
Like I said to the person who started this conversation, why even bother with more than one HDMI port? Once you hook up a PC, literally all the games and media you could ever want to consume is available to you. Hell, if you don’t game and don’t need a PC for office work, you could get away with just the TV alone.
Not saying that TV manufacturers should start removing ports; just making a point.
Yeah seriously; why do TVs even come with more than one HDMI port? A PC and a smart TV alone all the games and media one could ever need in their household. Hell, if you don’t game and don’t have a work from home job, you could get away with a just the TV itself.
Yeah the point of my comment was you guys need all that shit, most women and some dudes I know use the TV as just that, no need to plug anything else in just a fucking slab with pictures moving on it. Perfect.
I am a man, and I see many problems with this:
- the TV is at least two sizes too small
- WAF is a non-factor, so there would absolutely be some oversized speakers beside that tv
- my ass isn’t lying on the floor, when a couch would be far more comfortable
- the couch would make floor pizza too far away, so there would be a “coffee table”
A couch? A coffee table? OK, King Louis XIV. The rest of us will make do with a floor gaming chair.
I’m not sure you realize how much heavy lifting I’m making the quotations around “coffee table” do.
Two cinder blocks and a rough sawn plank.
That’ll do.
I think you underestimate how much construction materials cost. Ikea is cheaper.
Costs? These materials are easily found roadside or elsewhere. The blocks have chunks missing or are uneven, so a matchbook or folded cardboard helps level out the wobble for the weather-soaked grey plank.
I know as I’ve done just that.
Also a lot of construction sites are kind enough to leave a pile of free construction materials somewhere on the site, like they are saying, “we have extra so help yourself! 😁” I try to only help myself at night, because I’m considerate enough to avoid getting in the way of the actual construction.
Ikea furniture is easily found roadside too…
In my first apartment I did that with stolen milk crates and found planks.
I too create my own furniture out of mostly-empty pizza boxes
(kinda-related story time: I used to live in an apartment with 4 other gay furries [the sitcom writes itself] and we very often ordered in from dominos. Like so much so our delivery guy seemed to take a genuine interest in how we are doing. But after I spent a day making the kitchen spotless, and the next day it looked as awful as before I touched it, I stopped giving a shit. Of many factors, it was silently decided that the one taking out the trash was the one who lost the game of jenga with the garbage. So skill and precision were needed whenever you were adding to the stack that was as high as an adult (or more), as the actual garbage bin for the apartment complex was like 500 feet away and 4 stories below us. Multiple trips were necessary, even if you bothered to use trash bags to simplify the excursion. I wish I’d have taken photos, this was a challenge where boys became men.)
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Ehh but they’ve got a wavebird, so you know they’re already ballin.
Or they were very specific for their birthday request
Neah, get some milk crates and a used futon!
NO! Never a used futon. I once got a used futon. It had stains on it. After a while, I was told what the stains were.
After a while, I was told what the stains were.
Yes, this looks like back pain.
Clearly it is a young man’s place. A more mature man would have a second hand recliner and a bottle of alcohol to wash down the bitter taste of divorce.
The recliner would be ugly as hell (I still have a second hand one from years ago) but so comfortable that it would suck the soul out of you if you laid down in it too long.
And there’s bourbon in the chocolate milk.
Just some plastic chair, table and pillows would be enough
Yeah, this is more like what would be acceptable 20 years ago.
The Donkey Kong Bongos accessory on top of the TV is just…chef’s kiss. Perfect.
It’s called interior decorating
My wrists never truly recovered… and it was worth it
It also reacts if your laugh is too high pitched.
Japanese girls learned this the hard way.
That video is titled “The Forgotten Accessory.” Since when was it forgotten? I guess you can throw that onto any video for clickbait.
Gotta get a beanbag chair or something. Aside from that, I don’t see a problem (for a bachelor who is content to remain a bachelor).
shoulda put the box from the top left of the pic under the tv. other than that it’s perfect.
That’s a CRT, so heavy af. It’s going to sink right through the box.
Ate Lavish Meal +12
Ascetic +5
That’s not how men live, that’s how teenagers live. The place lacks a woodworking bench, a 3D printer farm, a chef knife wall with an industrial wok burner, and a rack of mountain bikes. Also not a single cat in the picture, savages…
Not to mention it’s clearly been vacuumed
I mean, I just vacuumed. Clean carpet is nice to lay on and think
Why shouldn’t it be vacuumed? Roomba exists.
Good point.
The only thing wrong is that there is carpet. Also, I miss those days of freedom. I never appreciated them when I had them.
90s childhood: that carpet, Sega Genesis/SNES, cathodic TV, some gaming or Sports Illustrated paraphernalia, Pizza & some shitty pop.
But fully agree that back then, it felt like it would last forever. Nostalgia is strong with this one.
Broke freedom to rich bondage. I’ve lived both. Honestly can’t tell you which I prefer.
Does anyone else get irrationally upset when people leave pizza boxes wide open like that? You’re letting all the heat escape!
Meanwhile I have to keep everything I eat in a food warmer up until the very minute I’m about to eat it. Warm foods taste so much better when they’re hot.
I want the heat to escape. I’m a weirdo who likes my food to be just above lukewarm.
I just take so long to eat anything that as much as I might savor those first hot bites, I know I can’t eat fast enough to enjoy more than that unless I wanna warm it back up before every bite
Well that’s where the food warmer comes into play. If you don’t have one, then you can use the oven or toaster oven (set it to 140°F if it’ll go that low). Take out one portion at a time and the rest will stay warm until you’re ready to eat it. You can even add a small bowl of water to the bottom of the oven to help keep the food from drying out.
What if you drop your controller? Do you want controller in your pizza? Pizza on your controller?
This is the same as the toilet lid conversation, isn’t it? If you’ve ever witnessed something falling in or even heard of it, for the love of god, why aren’t you keeping that closed when it’s not in use?
Sometimes I don’t turn on the light, so I don’t have to turn it back off…am I doing this right?
I’m lost as to how you got from food temperature to game controller?
Priority(controller) > priority(food temp)
Pizza and chocolate milk?
I mean I like them both, but together?
I just like flexing on lactose intolerant people.
I miss ice cream.
Buy a cheap ice cream maker and make your own with lactose-free dairy! It’s surprisingly easy.
Put the pizza in the icecream maker!
Takes me back to school lunches
Did that the other day eating lunch with my youngin at their school.
Was definitely not as appealing as I near my 40s. But back in the day that shit was fine