No, but I’ll take a look
No, but I’ll take a look
Lol, these cowards won’t do anything in public without covering their face. If you see anyone actually wearing one of these they will almost certainly be in a group of people all covering their face.
I bet you won’t find a single instance of a lone person wearing this in public.
No traffic data is a deal breaker for me.
Political relevance be damned, anyway…
You can press SHIFT+F10 keys to open Command Prompt.
Execute OOBE\BYPASSNRO command then.
After this, setup will reboot the computer and after reboot, you’ll get a new option I don’t have Internet or Continue with limited setup to skip the Internet requirement.
Isn’t that still using YouTube? Just a different interface.
Good ole Phineas and Ferb
Oh no, won’t someone think of the scalpers?
Are you implying that a president cannot be part of a coup?
there should be other people minding the store. Shouldn’t there?
There was until they were removed and yes man installed
Even if the OS gets updated?
Doesn’t matter, the government is there to make sure they can’t fail.
Can’t it be run standalone without network?
They also published the weights so we know more about it than some of the others
I eee this everywhere. They published the weights. That doesn’t make it open source
Haven’t they been doing that for years?
News articles probably shouldn’t leave things to assumption. Yes the police bastards probably did call ICE but that’s not reported anywhere.
The ones that seal do provide sound isolation
Then turn it off?
The same thing is $50 there with shipping.
They didn’t say legal for all ages. There’s already laws against underage consumption of substances. I don’t think anyone is saying give cocaine or tobacco to children.
Can’t one of those be considered treason?