Nocturne Dragonite

  • #1 Dragon Tamer in Black City
  • New Afrikan Choctaw


  • Luna (Kommo-o, F, Brave)
  • Deidei (Hydreigon, F, Modest)
  • Gabi (Garchomp, F, Adamant)
  • Naiya (Noivern, F, Hasty)
  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2022


  • People who don’t believe Western lies are genocide deniers apparently. I think they have to make such an extreme claim of “genocide denial” because it sounds so unforgiveable, but it’s just an emotionally charged statement with no proof. And I think that’s the point. No one wants to deny genocides.

    The word has been so overused that it means anything that any country is doing that I don’t like, even if there’s no proof of it, because “of course it’s happening there”.