I can’t even be mad at the people in that sub, they’re first-class entertainment

  • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    This person is max 12-15 years old. The speech mannerisms, the Eric Cartman reference, etc. This person is a child.

  • Nocturne Dragonite@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    People who don’t believe Western lies are genocide deniers apparently. I think they have to make such an extreme claim of “genocide denial” because it sounds so unforgiveable, but it’s just an emotionally charged statement with no proof. And I think that’s the point. No one wants to deny genocides.

    The word has been so overused that it means anything that any country is doing that I don’t like, even if there’s no proof of it, because “of course it’s happening there”.

    • SleepyCat@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      There is so much evidence of the Holocaust being real: The camps, the antisemitic propaganda, confessions from the defendants at nuremberg, etc. The abundance of evidence for the Holocaust is why denying it is such a deplorable action, one would have to be a Nazi to do so.

      The same cannot be said for the human rights abuses that the west accuses its enemies of. RFA, their anonymous sources, and the grifters like Yeonmi Park have not provided sufficient evidence for their claims, and so “denial” of these alleged crimes isn’t a terrible thing to do, but is an attempt at pushing back lies.

      The point I’m trying to make is, by directly equating people who don’t condemn the DPRK with Holocaust deniers, this person is diluting and trivializing Holocaust denial, and helping silence people who push back against state department propaganda.

      • Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        The comment ‘those on the far left who defend North Korea are really no different from Holocaust deniers’ was what irritated me the most. Anybody who says that definitely hasn’t read Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say It?. Aside from showing how the deniers operate (sometimes elevating their deception to the level of a business), it shows that we have plenty of good reasons to consider the Shoah factual: hundreds of documents authored by all sorts of people, photographs taken by all sorts of people, camps that we can still visit, inferential evidence (population demographics), and eyewitness testimony from a huge variety of people, from ordinary survivors to Sonderkommandos to SS guards to commandants to local townsfolk and even to high‐ranking Axis officials. How does the evidence for the DPRK’s rumored atrocities come close to that?

        • AmarkuntheGatherer@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          There’s a huge difference between why there’s sufficient evidence to the occurrance of the Holocauast, and why the average liberal believes it. The latter has nothing to do with the reasons you’ve given, they believe because they’ve been told enough times to accept it. As far as they know, there’s as much evidence for the hololdomor and literally anthing bad that could be happening in Xinjiang. There have been a comparable number of headlines saying “there be genocide here” for the others, and that’s the level of scrutiny they have.