Governments lie, journalists need to uncover them.

  • 61 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • sorry for late response.

    well,is it not true that the entity who denies the right of existence to the other side has been Israel?

    is it not true that Israel is a terrorist state by any definition of the word?

    and is it not true that Hamad is truely something which if it did not exist, Israel would wish it existed?

    and is it not true that that which Israel wishes for, Israel gets?

    what are your thoughts on these?

  • This most recent violence does not come in a vacuum. The reality is that it grows out of a long-standing conflict, with a 56-year long occupation and no political end in sight.   It’s time to end this vicious circle of bloodshed, hatred and polarization.

    Israel must see its legitimate needs for security materialized – and Palestinians must see a clear perspective for the establishment of their own state realized.

    Only a negotiated peace that fulfills the legitimate national aspirations of Palestinians and Israelis, together with their security alike – the long-held vision of a two-State solution, in line with United Nations resolutions, international law and previous agreements – can bring long-term stability to the people of this land and the wider Middle East region.