• Guydht@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Right now? Yeah, definitely they’re violating human rights. But what are they supposed to do given their history? Every Palestinian leadership ever called out for civilians to be "jihad"s (terrorists) and kill as many as possible. I was simplistic because everyone here on lemmy also talks simplisticly. Talk of no nuance and no faults on both sides, mainly say “israel bad”, “israel apartheid”, “israel should stop existing” - all while forgetting this conflict has two sides. Yes, one side is poorer, but that doesn’t make them more just. Both are wrong, but arguably palestinian leadership are the worst here. Being at a huge disadvantage and still choosing to fight a war they’ll lose, while in the process keeping their citizens poor. At least Israel evacuated the cities near Gaza, while Hamas blocked people evacuating outside of a warzone.

    • Manu79@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      sorry for late response.

      well,is it not true that the entity who denies the right of existence to the other side has been Israel?

      is it not true that Israel is a terrorist state by any definition of the word?

      and is it not true that Hamad is truely something which if it did not exist, Israel would wish it existed?

      and is it not true that that which Israel wishes for, Israel gets?

      what are your thoughts on these?