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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I am aware but without other data points I am not convinced you can police that. Otherwise they need to set minimum pace and/or heart rate minimums to measure exertion. What is a run vs a walk is drastically different between athletic ability, age, sex, etc. all the article says is distance so without more detail I am not convinced that the ratio holds water.

    It’s a bonus. It’s not your salary. Bonuses are often not even measured in quality of work and a lot of time networking and impression plays a strong role in who gets what. Is that part of your job? Yes and no. Bonuses are not entitled. Don’t treat it as such. If you would prefer kissing ass is a better way to get a bonus then do that instead. You have freedom of choice. Don’t make it sound like this is an ultimatum.

  • It’s a bonus. It’s not guaranteed income. You are not entitled to it. The owner likely cares passionately about their employees and wants to see them become better versions of themselves and is willing to put pay money on the line. Yet, the SJWs of America come out of the wood work to berate an idea of trying to move a little bit more and use “disabilities” as a shield to trying to do something that is healthy for you.

    If this opportunity was present to you and you were that offended by the change. Quit. You are not a slave. You have the freedom of choice. A gig in which I am incentivized to try and be a bit healthier isn’t evil. It’s evil to try and reduce society down to a lesser version of itself because it’s easier to complain with your fingers than it is to try and do something better for yourself.

    1. If you have a condition that prevents you from moving/ elevated heart rate, chances are you not working and already on disability. The % of people that fall into this camp are the vast minority. Also this is a Chinese company. It’s not America. That number even drives lower since the obesity rate in question isn’t 40%. Again, if there is 1 person who falls into this camp, I bet you can make an exception to the rule.

    2. I understand the article says this but how do you police it. Put your fitness tracker to “Outdoor run” and call it day. Unless there are stricter measurements around heart rate and minimum speeds I don’t fully buy this.

    3. So start. If a company is going to incentivize you to not be a slob maybe just go do it. Life isn’t fair. Stop making excuses and be a better version of yourself.

    4. The top bracket is double the effort for only 30% the return.

    5. Idk, maybe they want their employees to not die of heart failure at 40 and see them grow to be old and successful.

  • Did anyone read the article?!? 100% bonus is 1 mile a day. That’s a 20 minute walk per day. Not a jog. A walk.

    This is not asking you to train for an ultra marathon. This is not a HIIT program aimed for cardiovascular improvement. A simple walk. Hell, grocery shopping or going to the mall is likely more intensive. I bet the bathroom breaks and fridge trips add up to 20 minutes a day.

    Now that is not to say that there are legitimate situations in which exceptions could be made. Hell, I bet the company does and the media writer neglected to include in order to make it more “controversial”. My point is. Laziness is not a disability. A 20 minute walk is probably good for you if you plan to live past 50.