This is what happens when US car media grabs “non automotive” news and runs with.
Whatever you may think when reading that headline. What it means is simply what has been regurgitating in the german landscape for 1-2 years, ever since the green party got into goverment.
Their all in diplomacy on renewables, neglecting people and economy. The latter claiming that GERMANY as a place of production at 40 €cents/kWh with tendencies to go upwards is not viable and there could be an exodus of competent workforces.
China’s emerge on the EV market. Since VW, as everyone else, starting from 0, and having to compete with chinese automakers, who are getting batteries cheaper and the cost to produce them also being lower due to employers and energy costs.
All that makes it very hard for VW to remain VW without cannibalizing Audi.
This may or not be a foreshadowing, maybe even a slight threat, of shutting down german facilities and opening hem in Thailand, China, Vietnam - wherever.
I find it much more plausible that folks that are not tech savvy would complain more. Just look around amazon some times. People sending back fridges because they are too loud at the same day. My rectractable car roof is broken, it will only do so when the car is in neutral. Is that a knock? Do I have to bring this back while in warranty? etc.