• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Die deutsche Autoindustrie bleibt in alten Geschäftsmodellen verhaftet und vernachlässigt dabei, den Kundenbedürfnissen und Markttrends gerecht zu werden. Statt flexibel zu reagieren, setzen deutsche Hersteller weiterhin auf technologische Überlegenheit (v.a. Leistung, etc.), die in der Ära der Verbrennungsmotoren ihre Stärke war.

    Im Gegensatz dazu passen sich chinesische Unternehmen schnell den Marktanforderungen an und bieten erschwingliche Produkte für ein breites Publikum an. Renault ist der einzige europäische Autokonzern, der konsequent eine ähnliche Strategie verfolgt, wie beispielsweise die Nutzung von Google als Betriebssystem anstelle der langwierigen Entwicklung eigener Systeme wie bei VW.

    Das Problem für VW sind nicht neue Produktmarken wie die ID-Serie, sondern die schlechte Antizipierung von Kundentrends.

  • Modern conservative governance, not just in the UK, has failed to address the significant social, ecological, and economic changes facing our global society.

    Unfortunately, despite these shortcomings, the fear of change and a reluctance to embrace progress ensure that conservatives won’t easily lose elections. It’s a recurring pattern seen not only in the UK but also mirrored globally. The past 13+ years of Tory rule highlight the challenges of an electorate that seems somewhat ignorant and self-centered.

  • Acknowledging Israel’s right to exist doesn’t negate Palestinian rights.

    While the establishment of Israel was rooted in the need for a Jewish homeland after WWII, it’s crucial to distinguish between historical necessity and subsequent political actions. The shift toward right-wing Zionism has influenced policies, but blaming the entire state of Israel and Jewish people in general oversimplifies a complex history.

    Don’t get me wrong: religion should be out of politics, and this unnecessary war should get to a full stop. Attacking the right of people to form states (that applies for Palestinians and Jews) is not a solution to this conflict. It only ends in more death and more wars.

  • I find it challenging to navigate comment sections on this topic.

    Firstly, Israel has the right to exist and defend itself against terrorism.

    Secondly, Hamas is a designated terrorist organization. There is no justification for supporting such a group, just as you wouldn’t sympathize with ISIS or the Taliban.

    What we can agree on is that Israel’s current right-wing government, spanning the past 20 years, has implemented policies criticized for creating an apartheid-like situation for Palestinians. The support for radical settlers and resulting violence against Palestinians is a legitimate concern.

    It’s crucial to separate criticism of the Israeli government’s actions from questioning the right of Israel to exist. Criticize the policies, be concerned about the treatment of Palestinians, and advocate for a two-state solution that respects the rights and aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians. Removing religion and right-wing politics from the equation could pave the way for a more equitable and peaceful coexistence.