Anti-colonial Marxism is as good as a country breakfast.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Yeah he is basically a debatebro pedant and policy nerd that is completely discourse poisoned. Now days his gang will call everyone privileged for disagreeing with Democrats. The few times I have had to see his take on something in the last few months I always think about how Blue Maga is truly going to ruin whatever future we have left. Idk maybe he would like Maga communists because at least he will get to keep his precious colonial empire with them.

    His hair is worse now too. I know that is a subjective and superficial observation, but I just know he did it to strengthen his brand and I find that to be embarrassing.

  • Harm reduction for the already-privileged, and fuck everybody else. ‘Well, fuck them too’ is what I say.

    I couldn’t agree more. These tactics have been used to get people to support political figures that will not advance their goals for far too long. (not to mention how distracting electoralist positions really are from what could be more productive efforts)

    Liberals oversimplify politics in a way that erases the dynamic political realities of everyone, especially colonised and working people. They obfuscate the imperialist function of mainstream political discourse. The colloquial left-right political spectrum that is enforced cannot explain the differences between interests of white settler workers, Black workers, or moderate middle income land owners, yet liberals live and die by it and demand coalitions be built with it’s logic.

    Ultimately this is why the Democratic Party is a prison house of social movements and marginalized interests, just as the US is a prison house of nations.

  • Investors are pissed about it. Its why tech bros are firing people by the thousands (same with Twitter kind of). Finance no longer cares about this kind of shit. They just want Facebook to focus on its massive 2 billion user base to make money for them. The thing about tech bros is that, perhaps more than other monopolists, they belive in their own bullshit visions. They probably dream about giving Ted talks and saving the world.

    Honestly tho even it becomes half of what they want it to be it could monopolize a lot of shit. It’s like reinventing the internet so you can charge rent to Amazon. It will be tough without investor support though.

  • i dont think that little statistic about whites in 1775 america means anything, that was pre industrial and pre imperial power america it has nothing to do with the reality we live in now.

    Yeah who needs history? That is unless you needed to show that the idea of a temporarily embaressed millionaire comes from our settler qualities and not from our position as hegemon after WW2. Or if you wanted to find evidence for white upward mobility as a factor that existed even at the founding of the US.

    Also the US immediately began expanding territory via genocide to make way for the slave economy that built Wallstreet and the same financial institutions that run the global political economy today. Surely this too is irrelevant to the history we presently must suffer.

    its not like white poor people are particularly advantage compared to black poor people or other poor oppressed people white people are just significantly more likely to be born richer to begin with

    This isn’t true in the slightest. Generational wealth is hardly the only factor. Every single crisis that harms poor whites harms colonized people two fold or more. For example, half of black wealth was destroyed in 2008 and covid was much much worse on Native peoples.

    Settlers isn’t wrong. You just don’t think history matters enough.

  • Would this history not matter anymore?

    It would matter a lot. It’s why this situation is unfortunately fictional. A revolution needs a historical process to drive it and US history is dominated by the process of settler-colonialism. A revolutionary moment will be quickly hijacked by (insert any caricature of US politcal stereotypes) and will serve the development of settler-colonialism.

    Would USSA schools still educate children about her? What will happen to the philosophers that influenced U.S culture?

    Im deeply uncomfortable with a “USSA” but beyond that the answer is an easy yes. History will be taught.

    What would happen to Mount. Rushmore? Would they be replaced with Soviet and communist figures instead?

    You mean The Six Grandfathers?

    US monuments will fall and Indigenous sacred sites will no longer be desiccated. Why Soviet leaders should be depicted in monuments is beyond me. We have our own history and our own project to construct.

    What would happen to their trillions of debt? What ties would you cut, and who would you ally the USSA with next? China? What countries would you have relations with? Who would you do trade with?

    Debt forgiveness is one of the most important features of any transfer of power and would effectively nuke rent seekers from orbit, destroying their power.

    The former US would need to reshape its economy. If the global economy was made equitable today the standard of living in the US would collapse in a way that makes the great depression look like a theme park ride. This isnt even considering there will be conversations about reperations. I doubt this could be fixed by trade. Socialist construction would have to reshape everything and frankly it could take decades to recover from the end of imperialism. We would likley need expertise from those who have tread this path, meaning China would be an important partner. Perhaps a balanced relationship could be established with the world by giving technology held behind IP rights.

    What businesses would you shut down immediately?

    I dont think we’d have to worry about much of this because many businesses could evaporate. Fast food being one of them. I personally might target specific commodities that have colonial history and seek to restructure them equitably and destroy our entitlement to these communities. Sugar, coffee, tobacco, tea, etc.

    What are your efforts to make the USSA a strong country and incapable of being attacked by capitalist imperialists?

    Honestly if the US collapses capital loses its sword and shield. The world could trend toward socialism without much imperialist intervention. It would be a totally new era that is hard to imagine.

  • Yeah its been this way for so long. There are other theaters that this occurs as well, such as sex trade conversations. There are many people that have a lot of liberal baggage that they accept as their intuition. I routinely hear coworkers drag libertarians into the dirt as absolute morons only to hear then say “you just gotta pay for your porn bro” 10 min later.

    The whole thing makes me reflect on myself and what the hell im doing with my life. Like how the hell did I get here from where I was??? Its part of why I took a long break from online discourse but I cant escape it in my day to day life now regardless of if im online or not and people are just not receptive. Im always trying to refine my rhetoric but imo there are greater forces at play than my abilities to communicate or my understanding of the world.