• Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I remember watching my half‐sister play Active Worlds all the way back during the dot com boom, and aside from the lack of virtual reality it sounds like it was almost identical to this: level‐building, character creation, custom textures and models, vanities like pubs and rollercoaster rides, but it had a substantially larger userbase and consequently more content. (It probably even looked better than this, too.)

    That was a little over two decades ago. It should be no surprise to anybody that this latest entry in the glorified chatroom genre was dead on arrival: the only new thing that it brings is the virtual reality aspect, which isn’t good enough and just makes accessing this product more expensive.

    Everything else that this offers has already been done and done better in Active Worlds, Second Life, Roblox, and other glorified chatrooms that have more than umpteen times the content of this gimmicky crap. They don’t even care enough to moderate it properly!

    It would be awesome if this bankrupted Meta, but I’m sad to say that they’ll probably have to do a lot worse than this. Maybe Elon Musk can give Meta a few pointers—or seize it himself.

    • CountryBreakfast@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Investors are pissed about it. Its why tech bros are firing people by the thousands (same with Twitter kind of). Finance no longer cares about this kind of shit. They just want Facebook to focus on its massive 2 billion user base to make money for them. The thing about tech bros is that, perhaps more than other monopolists, they belive in their own bullshit visions. They probably dream about giving Ted talks and saving the world.

      Honestly tho even it becomes half of what they want it to be it could monopolize a lot of shit. It’s like reinventing the internet so you can charge rent to Amazon. It will be tough without investor support though.

      • Navaryn@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        at least this shit has a good implication: it proves that we can still get stuff to fail by good old popular boycott.

        The main issue of the metavers is simple: nobody gives a shit. No considerable demographic has any real interest in it.

        same with NFT’s, another tech we essentially bullied into collapse. It had tons of issues, but the main one was that it solved a problem no one had. And thus nobody gave a shit.

      • Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        I know, but given his latest shenanigans, including breaking the record for the most money lost by a single individual, it looks reasonably possible for the near future.

        • Navaryn@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          eh, don’t underestimate just how damn rich those ghouls can get. “most money lost by a single individual” means little when you look at how much it was compared to his net worth.

          It’s gonna take a loooot more than a few dumb buisness decisions to bring down supervillains like Musk or Bezos