And you all told me the blue maga border bill that Republicans rejected was 4d chess.

    1 year ago

    And that’s… not how anarchy works.

    It literally is. Acceptance into an anarchist commune has, historically, been far from guaranteed just by wandering in and saying “I would like to automatically be a full member of your commune.” when there are large portions of the population which are quite opposed to the ideals you want to uphold.

    People are only excluded if they are doing something really egregiously antithetical to anarchism – for example, attempting to introduce hierarchical structures or otherwise treat others inequitably.

    “You see, MY democracy where we strip people of voting rights and keep them as second-class citizens for what they believe is way better than those other so-called democracies where people vote based on what they believe!”

    Very democratic, 10/10. Worst part is, it both contradicts your prior point, and it’s not even a particularly anarchist answer.