Individualism is a right wing ideology dawg
/u/outwrangle before everything went to shit in 2020, /u/emma_lazarus for a while after that, now I’m all queermunist!
Individualism is a right wing ideology dawg
And so the reason that Lieberman obstructed Obama’s agenda was because… the left was too critical of him? The reason Manchin and Sinema obstructed Biden’s agenda was because the left was too mean to them?
For some reason Republicans march in lock-step whenever they have power, but Democrats sabotage themselves with infighting. It happened when Obama had much larger majorities too - there’s always some Lieberman that gets in the way of the Democrat’s agenda. This doesn’t happen for Republicans, at least not nearly to the same extent. Doesn’t that strike you as strange?
I want Democrats to wake the fuck up, what are you talking about? Why did it take y’all so long? We’ve been telling you since Bush!
Islamic terror groups today can be traced back to when the US under Carter sent aid to mujahideen rebels to counter Soviet influence in Afghanistan. Osama Bin Laden, in fact, started out as a financier and militant for Afghan Arabs (Arab Muslims that migrated to Afghanistan to fight the Soviets). The imperial boomerang always comes home.
How come Trump can do whatever the fuck he wants, but Democrats are stopped by checks and balances?
Bush stole the election in 2000 and y’all acted like it didn’t happen.
How long until no one trusts US election integrity anymore?
Republicans say it’s rigged when Democrats win. Are Democrats going to start saying it’s rigged when Republicans win?
If this is a fascist coup why won’t they just kill the ones who complain?
lol you still think there’s going to be elections
You’re going to need to do something else.
Complaining to them is what they’re there for. Make it clear to the ones who represent you that you demand action on this.
If if you actually believe this is a fascist coup, then why wouldn’t they just write down your name and address and then come and shut you up later when they have more power?
That was my first thought. The only way this could be somewhat safe is if the hat aesthetic was a flimsy facade and would crumple at the slightest pressure, and underneath the facade was an actual hard hat.
I approve of him destroying the US. 😘
The genocide hasn’t stopped, but the genocide didn’t start on Oct 7th either.
But things are far better than they were before. Instead of constant bombardment, there are scattered incidents of violence. Israel continues to commit war crimes using US made weapons, continues to inflict violence in the West Bank and Syria and Lebanon as well as Gaza, and Trump is happy to facilitate the violence. This isn’t peace, but the ceasefire is saving lives.
Capitalism makes cannibals of us all. 😔
Worse genocide by far
The fuck are you talking about? Israeli occupation forces are withdrawing, aid is flowing into the Strip, and the daily bombardment has stopped. Yeah, Trump keeps saying stupid and horrible shit, but the US occupying Gaza is about as likely as annexing Greenland.
Should anyone with a relative suspected to be in ISIS be considered guilty by association?
Judging a privileged social caste is absolutely fine. What’s next, you gonna defend whites against racism? 🙄