The White House is considering executive action that would allow President Joe Biden to effectively shut down the border to migrants crossing unlawfully, according to three sources familiar with the matter—a maneuver reminiscent of controversial action from the Donald Trump era and is sure to invite fierce backlash from immigration advocates and progressives.
And you all told me the blue maga border bill that Republicans rejected was 4d chess.
You don’t see me treating refugees and immigrants like political pawns.
Literally fucking over refugees and immigrants under a Trump administration for the sake of your politics. But tell me more about how you’re the Moral Side™
You are a horrible person. You don’t see immigrants and refugees as humans worth saving. Every comment you make reveals your true character. You lack all empathy.
Your options are 50% Hitler or 100% Hitler, theres no world where 100% Hitler is going to be less Hitler than 50% Hitler and if you don’t pick you get 100% Hitler by default.
What are you going to do? What realistic option do you see right now that will lead to less Hiter?
And then he continues to imprison and deporting innocent people, and whenever I complain about that, a chorus of right-wing liberals like that Pug person silence me by accusing me of supporting Trump? Do you know I have friends and family who’ve been harmed by this? Do you think they care who put them there? Whoever is making that happen is a fascist, and I should be allowed to call them such. I was assured (lied to) that Democrats are the good ones, and that they’re not as cultlike as MAGA. Look at the replies I have. This is not the case.
Do you think more people wont be hurt under Trump?
Will those people care that you effectively gave Trump your vote because you didn’t like Biden?
There are no good guys in capitalist representative democracy, work with what you have available to you at the time and come up with ways to see the long term change happen.
Go find your nearest anarchist group and join them, contribute to small scale local issues and convert people to a better way, change can only come from a million small voices demanding it. But while you’re doing that, you’re also going to have to suck it up and realise fascist Biden is damage mitigation from an even more harmful fascist Trump.
And ignore the shitlib comments, there’s nothing to gain from dwelling on their negativity.
You can feel that way. But too fucking bad. Your choice is Hitler or Less Bad Hitler. Welcome to party-fucking-politics. Or as we should be saying, 4th grade civics.
Thanks, I now have a very easy thread to refer to when someone says “WELL I’VE NEVER SEEN ANYONE SAY BIDEN AND TRUMP WERE THE SAME WHEN CRITICIZING THEM”
If “he’s not Trump” isn’t enough for you, you’re part of the problem.
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Literally fucking over refugees and immigrants under a Trump administration for the sake of your politics. But tell me more about how you’re the Moral Side™
How is this different? It’s not.
You’re absolutely right. Your position isn’t different in the least than anyone else using refugees and immigrants like political pawns.
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For calling Willem van Spronsen, a man who flung a few molotovs around and committed suicide by cop, a half-ass revolutionary?
You are a horrible person. You don’t see immigrants and refugees as humans worth saving. Every comment you make reveals your true character. You lack all empathy.
I don’t see immigrants and refugees as humans worth saving… because I don’t equate Trump and Biden?
Or because I think committing suicide by cop is a dumbass decision?
Please, clarify.
Fence sitter.
Biden supporters are
Imagine letting Hitler come to power because Hitler’s opponent wasn’t as nice as you hoped.
This is just more Hitler though
Your options are 50% Hitler or 100% Hitler, theres no world where 100% Hitler is going to be less Hitler than 50% Hitler and if you don’t pick you get 100% Hitler by default.
What are you going to do? What realistic option do you see right now that will lead to less Hiter?
Exactly my point! Fuck this system. We have no good choice.
But not voting for Biden leads to a worse outcome, you see that yes?
Long term agitate for change because the system is fucked, but short term the best you have is voting for “he’s not Trump”.
And then he continues to imprison and deporting innocent people, and whenever I complain about that, a chorus of right-wing liberals like that Pug person silence me by accusing me of supporting Trump? Do you know I have friends and family who’ve been harmed by this? Do you think they care who put them there? Whoever is making that happen is a fascist, and I should be allowed to call them such. I was assured (lied to) that Democrats are the good ones, and that they’re not as cultlike as MAGA. Look at the replies I have. This is not the case.
Do you think more people wont be hurt under Trump?
Will those people care that you effectively gave Trump your vote because you didn’t like Biden?
There are no good guys in capitalist representative democracy, work with what you have available to you at the time and come up with ways to see the long term change happen.
Go find your nearest anarchist group and join them, contribute to small scale local issues and convert people to a better way, change can only come from a million small voices demanding it. But while you’re doing that, you’re also going to have to suck it up and realise fascist Biden is damage mitigation from an even more harmful fascist Trump.
And ignore the shitlib comments, there’s nothing to gain from dwelling on their negativity.
You can feel that way. But too fucking bad. Your choice is Hitler or Less Bad Hitler. Welcome to party-fucking-politics. Or as we should be saying, 4th grade civics.
I know this may blow your mind, but some of us want to advance past this fourth grade
You go from zero to Hitler at the drop of a hat.
Thanks, I now have a very easy thread to refer to when someone says “WELL I’VE NEVER SEEN ANYONE SAY BIDEN AND TRUMP WERE THE SAME WHEN CRITICIZING THEM”
Great, so you can try to persuade fifth graders with that weak, tired schtick
Hitler’s opponent needs to EARN my vote!
This, but unironically. No point in electing a different fascist. We have to cut the tumor out of the body.
lmao. When reality is too ridiculous to satirize.
I think you missed who they were laughing at bud
Why are you defending ICE and the fascist border policy?