A 7/10 is basically a complete failure, so why didn’t reviewers take my feelings into account before publishing their scores?

  • Didn’t expect an article this good from the website that brought us my laptop’s SSD is too small and that’s other people’s fault.

    Game reviews are wild. Just try rating “Zelda: Breath of the Wild But With Crafting” anything but 10/10 and you’ll have fans attacking you from every direction, confused by the narrative that other people don’t like the thing they like.

    Everyone around me seems to be enjoying Starfield immensely but people are still raging about it for reasons I can’t be sure about. Some shitheads are mad that you get to pick pronouns but there are people outside thst group thst are also partaking in the review bombing.

    I think it’s the same thing that happened to Saints Row. It was a pretty meh game, especially for the price, but it wasn’t the terrible torture that other people made it out to be; it really was just “another Saints Row game” but with better characters. However, once game media started making fun of it, Gamers with a capital G wouldn’t shut up about it. For a while you couldn’t stream the game without getting a chat full of people who needed to make sure you knew the game you were enjoying was actually a bad game.

    Now, the Gamer with a capital G has run into a problem: they really like Starfield but all of the websites they read say it’s bad. The cognitive dissonance is scaring them, and in their confusion, they lash out against anything they can find. Obviously the game is Bad because they were told it was Bad, but the game is actually fun so the reviewers are terrible people who should die for giving the game a score that’s too low.

    It’s hard being a Gamer; you have to work so hard to show the world how good of a Gamer you are!

    • • milan •@feddit.nl
      1 year ago

      My computer is providing a pretty neat little metaphor for how I expect those talks will go at a lot of outlets. Will there be room for two massive RPGs? Will some opt to make room for Starfield while others go for Baldur’s Gate 3? Will Tears of the Kingdom take up the space they otherwise would have occupied? Or will another game that hasn’t been released yet plant its flag in the proverbial hard drive?

      Way to deliberately miss the point.