• partial_accumen@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    The best possible person to loan money to is someone with 0 credit history who can prove they’ve got a solid source of income, and are living well within their means.

    Okay, so the “solid income” component is easily provable.

    How can a lender know you’re living well within your means?

    I’m sorry, but someone perfectly paying rent, and saving up for purchasing a house without ever using any credit is the perfect person to give a good mortgage too

    Paying rent is NOT equivalent to paying a mortgage. With rent, you’re responsible for only making the rent payment. Nothing for housing upkeep and repair. Almost zero liability on how you keep your home could make you open to a law suit. No renter has to pay for the replacement of a roof or complete replacement of HVAC. Skills developed only to pay rent are insufficient for home ownership. That doesn’t mean a renter can’t grow to those home ownership skills too, but it isn’t equivalent as you’re suggesting…

    • BorgDrone@lemmy.one
      7 months ago

      How can a lender know you’re living well within your means?

      It basically goes like this: here (the Netherlands) debt is registered, including what your monthly payments on those debts are. When you want to get a new loan you go to the bank with proof of income, they then look at your existing debt / payments and make an estimation of your cost of living. You will only be approved for a loan if monthly payments for current and the new loan + cost of living < your income.

      You’re not supposed to be able to borrow more than you can afford the payments on.

      Of course you can still get into trouble if you have a sudden drop in income, but at that point you can’t get any additional loans.

      They also register non-payment of debts, not just on loans but also on things like energy bills, rent, cell phone plans, etc.

      The best situation is that they have no records on you, because that means that you have no outstanding debt and no failures to pay.