• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Quote from the article applied at the relevant point of the prayer.

    The Narcissist’s Prayer

    That didn’t happen. <— “The people that you see leaving? Because nobody ever leaves,”-Trump

    And if it did, it wasn’t that bad. <— “people were actually lining up in the back for photos since he couldn’t pose for pictures earlier.”-Trump

    And if it was, that’s not a big deal. <— “And when they do, I finish up quick.” -Trump

    And if it is, that’s not my fault. <— Trump then suggested that his staffers were to blame for the apparent departures

    And if it was, I didn’t mean it.

    And if I did, you deserved it.

  • Now you’re citing two laws instead of one with selective enforcement which is what we were talking about.

    Ok how about murder? Guy murders someone by hitting them when he is drunk. Rich guy with a good lawyer and connections in the community gets community service, but the poor,

    Murder is one law. Someone convicted of murder isn’t getting community service. Someone could have murdered someone and been charged with a lesser crime for whatever reason, but then they’d be getting community service for whatever that lesser charge was, not murder. So the law for murder in your example isn’t flawed.

    black man with a pot possession misdemeanor when he was 15 gets life in prison.

    Pot possession is a different law, and I don’t know any state in the union that will give you 15 years in prison for one. A quick google search says 180 days in jail is the max for most misdemeanors and I found one reference that says that in 24 states the max is 1 year in jail (still not prison).

    Your examples are getting farther from relevance not closer. I think we’ve reached the end of productive conversation with one another on this topic so I’ll bow out. Thank you for talking with me up to now. Have a great day!

  • Will art matter when we’re all dead from climate change tho?? I guess everyone has their priorities

    I believe these antics hurt the advocacy for taking climate change seriously. Their vandalism protests confirm in the minds of the opposition that “climate change is fake because the ‘soup throwers’ are the ones driving it.”.

    Its similar to how vegans are dismissed not for their choices in diet but because of how they advocate others to do the same. People that want to go vegan have to do so in spite of the perception the most vocal vegans have created. Instead of accelerating adoption it creates a new barrier. Note, I’m not a vegan. See, I have to say that so I’m taken seriously in this response. That is how bad public perception of veganism is because of its most vocal advocates.

  • Your example ignores the consequences to those accused and convicted which negates the value of using it as your argument.

    The worst someone will suffer from indiscriminate speed ticket enforcement will be a sub $500 fee.

    The worst someone will suffer from indiscriminate “illegal miscarriage” enforcement is prison, loss of livelihood, with the knock-on effect of death of the accused from trying to avoid being charged with the unjust law.

    There’s a drastic difference between those two examples, and trying to use the same brush to paint them the same is counterproductive, wouldn’t you agree?

  • I’ll jump on the fact checking train:

    Warner: Well, first of all, I get to say things as a journalist to set the record straight, so inflation is easing.

    Rep. Boebert: Oh, you’re going to fact check me during the interview?

    Warner: That’s exactly right, and inflation is easing.

    Rep. Boebert: Okay, this is adorable. Go to your local King Soopers or your City Market and ask the shoppers if inflation is down when they’re buying one dozen eggs for $7, $10,

    I don’t know Colorado specific geography well. I just went to the King Soopers web site and picked a random Denver location:

    Here is eggs for $3.09/dozen, so Boebert is wrong again.

  • But why? This is information that can most certainly be gleaned from just about any data broker.

    Obtaining the actual information is only part of the goal. The main reason is to create a perception in society that “you’ll be found out” which goes toward the goal of removing autonomy of women and turn them back into only ‘baby making machines’.

    If you want to see how this plays out, we have an example from history, specifically what Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu did in 1967 making abortion and contraception outlawed:

    From Wikipedia:

    To counter this sharp decline in the birth rate, the Communist Party decided that the country’s population should be increased from 20 million to 30 million inhabitants. In October 1966,[1][2] Decree 770 was personally sanctioned by Ceaușescu. Abortion and contraception[citation needed] were declared illegal, except for:

    • women over 45 (later lowered to 40, then raised again to 45).
    • women who had already borne four children (later raised to five).
    • women whose life would be threatened by carrying to term, due to medical complications.
    • women who were pregnant through rape and/or incest.


    To enforce the decree, society was strictly controlled. Contraceptives were removed from sale and all women were required to be monitored monthly by a gynecologist.[3]: 6  Any detected pregnancies were followed until birth. The secret police kept a close eye on hospital procedures.

  • I’m way past 30 now. I’m no gym rat but do go a few times a month. This year is when I noticed that my ability to lift a heavy weight isn’t lack of muscle but instead strain on knees (and other joints). Its such an odd notion that I can feel my muscles extra unused capacity to lift, but I feel the risk of injury to the joint if I were to use that strength. I had never experienced that before this year. Before it was always the limits of my muscles. Not anymore.

    Nobody told me this is how it goes when you get old. They say things like “my knees ‘gave out’ when I got old” but didn’t explain what that meant.

    It’ll happen to you…