Saw a post like this on Reddit once and I thought some of the responses were quite interesting.

I collect all sorts of stuff from vinyl records and vintage game consoles to Harley-Davidson dealer t-shirts.

I’m curious about what some of you guys collect, the weirder the better :D

    1 year ago

    figures and plushies! i love my small collection, every one feels special. any merch for my hobbies is great too

    1 year ago

    I collect Star Wars cards through the Topps app. I only started doing it in May, but it’s quite fun collecting and trading with others.

    Takes me back to my childhood of collecting football stickers and Pokémon cards. 😄

      1 year ago

      I started with the Topps Star Wars card app. Then I expanded to the Topps NHL Skate app and Topps Disney app as well. It’s fun putting together trades and collecting sets of your favorite characters and players

        1 year ago

        I’ve thought about trying the Disney and Marvel apps as well. But then I’d be spending too much time and money on it.

        If I limit myself to the one app, it’s not too bad.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.eeM
    1 year ago


    Okay, that requires a bit of an explanation. I have the world record for the person who has signed up for the most websites. One day I just found myself on track to holding the record longterm and have since defended it. If I see a new website, I sign up for it, no question about it.

    I have two close friends who also collect cave souvenirs. Cave exploring is a hobby of theirs I got them into (despite being unable to keep up with it myself) and they know every cave by heart.

    • FireWire400@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago


      Three questions: How many e-mail addresses do you have and how do you determine which one to use for which website?

      How many Spam e-mails do you receive each day?

      • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.eeM
        1 year ago

        One email address per email website, so about a dozen. Actually this is useful because some websites, when signing up for them, invalidate some email providers due to spammers flocking to certain ones. A few email addresses are personal, a few I actively use for different websites (the ones that are least likely to be marked as spam), and a few I keep as backup; equal numbers for all three. Ironically the email addresses which are associated with the providers people use for spamming are the ones which themselves are the least likely to receive spam; depending on the email address, the number ranges between no spam a day to a dozen spam letters a day.

        It’s a habit that grew on me; I had a habit of branching out and I guess you could say a catch-22 formed. Lots of time to reflect without others which turned into the discovery that I want this aspect of me as long as possible. in this sense, having a world record is like having a kid. Each account of mine online links to others and forms a web, and along the way, it begins to speak for itself.

        • FireWire400@lemmy.worldOP
          1 year ago

          When signing up, do you use real information at all?

          This is way more interesting to me than I would’ve thought.

          • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.eeM
            1 year ago

            It depends on the website. Not because I’m deceptive, but because there are some websites that mandate everything about you reflect yourself and some websites that mandate the exact opposite where you use all made up stuff, along with websites that don’t enforce either one (most websites don’t). Fortunately for me, I happen to have a birth name with many variations (Leni itself is a nickname), another name with a few more, and details about me that fall on certain cusps when trying to categorize them. The name thing is why I often seem to go by different names depending on the website I use. It would also require an explanation to those who wish to see how far my world record goes if I didn’t use wholly matter-of-fact information on the websites I use, as, hypothetically, I would need to verify myself on an external level that I am a certain individual, if that would truly work, since, classically, the verification of the world record comes from all the accounts co-identifying as each other in some way.

      • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.eeM
        1 year ago

        I’ve had certain aspects of myself released to the world, but as of yet, no theft of data per se, if we’re talking things like bank details and whatnot. The way I’ve always gone about things provides natural security benefits. There have been times where SWAT made a cameo, thrice actually. I was always wary of them but, though this is going to sound dark, I subconsciously still straddled such lines because of “mental health issues” (I put that in quotes because often people say that dismissively) and me thinking “what a way to test my luck”. Third time they came, they probably knew this because there was a difference in them.

        Side note, with that said, I’ll use this opportunity to be the first to confirm that VPN’s don’t protect you from malice, they’re really there for foreigners accessing forbidden content, something I’ve always known, and NordVPN was recently caught empowering others to do what it itself promises not to. Any exchange of cookies is going to give you away, I remember using the DeviantArt forums long ago (I was banned from there without being banned from the whole site) and seeing people constantly ban evade with VPN’s and get banned because each time they ban evade they think they found “a suitable IP” even though a VPN is more akin to having a mailbox disguise than an invisibility cloak. You don’t know who is disguised as a mailbox, but you know enough to consider it strange when you see a mailbox wandering the streets on its own, and you know you can remove their disguise if you’re close enough to them. Most such thievery happens by the wannabe thief just being a detective about it.

    1 year ago

    I don’t know why, but I keep damaged or other cool looking coins. Like if I find a bent quarter, chipped penny, or some other type of damage to coins I’ll keep them. I have one quarter that’s completely coated in bright red paint.

    Retro games from almost all systems even though they’re all in boxes. I plan on setting them up and never playing them eventually.

    Various virtual collections, if those count? Pokemon. Any free games from Prime Gaming, Epic Games, etc. Lately, cute decor Pikmin in Pikmin Bloom. That’s been keeping me out walking a lot and getting healthier, so that’s a fun one.

    My partner collects enamel pins (and gifts me ones she thinks I’ll like, so I have a tiny collection of those from her). She also collects wood puzzles (like 3D models), those metal brain teaser puzzles, and dice.

    I’m sure I’m missing a few others but that’s all I can think of for now.

    1 year ago

    Christmas ornaments. Any time I visit a “destination” I get a christmas ornament as a souvenir. It’s nice at christmas to look at the tree and spark memories of travel.

    1 year ago

    I like Watches. The problem is I’m basically working minimum wage job and have two kids to feed, so I have to be pretty careful about what I buy.

    My most expensive watch was £300, and I’ve got a few more in the £150+ range. Not exactly a Rolex, but I like how they look on my wrist and I like how they make me feel like maybe I do have some part of my life together.

      1 year ago

      Me too! My most expensive was in the £300 range as well, I’m currently rocking a Steeldive “Captain Willard” homage (I think the model is a 1972) I absolutely love it. I have no interest in spending thousands on a watch even if I could.

    1 year ago

    Enamel pins. Some are really cool artist made ones that were done in 2-3 variants and maybe only 25 of one variant were even produced. Those are difficult to come by when released and gain value usually 30 days after their release date. But I also have a bunch of just smaller ones I pick up here and there. They’re just neat

    • FireWire400@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      I thought about getting some cool ones for a battle jacket I wanted to make.

      It’s impressive how detailed and colourful they can get for their size.

    1 year ago

    I don’t collect physical items as such, but I do collect crafting hobbies which sort of comes with an ever-growing, if sometimes accidental, stash of tools and supplies. It’s not just the yarn and the embroidery floss and the clay and the felting wool, it’s all the damn specialist tools and then the storage solutions you have to buy for it all. And then your other half decides you’re both going to get into dicemaking as the next thing, so you end up with an expensive 3d printer as well meaning your joint collection now not only takes up a whole craft room and half the living room, but now also the garage.

    We used to collect retro video game stuff and still have a pretty good collection taking up space in my craft room but in the age of emulators and ridiculously cool handhelds I can’t even remember the last time we fired up a real Game Boy.

    1 year ago

    I don’t really collect physical objects as such. Until a few years ago I used to collect/buy books, but for a long time I ran out of space. There are probably 600-700 books in my bookcase and another 2 small trunks filled with books. Then there are further two cabinets filled with my study books. Now that I have run out of space, I am collecting epubs and pdfs on my laptop and phone.

    1 year ago

    Very small glass bottles. The smaller the better. Bonus points if it’s an unusual shape. I have a lot of them and didn’t even try hard, people around me see a small bottle and automatically bring it to me.

    • FireWire400@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      I can see the appeal, my mum used to collect these tiny (glass) bottles of alcohol that you get near the cash registers in supermarkets (in Europe at least). I pretty much inhereted them when she wanted to throw them out, I even still have them and some are really cool looking.

      As far as non-alcoholic beverages go, the small pear-shaped Orangina bottles are pretty cool but I’m sure you’ve got a million of those lol

      What’s your favourite bottle in your collection? Do you also keep unopened bottles sealed or do you drain/drink whatever’s inside first?

        1 year ago

        Oh yea! My collection started with those little alcohol bottles. They’re so joyful! Unfortunately my ex threw them out when we broke up so I had to start all over. This time I decided to keep an open mind and accept all kind of bottles.

        My pride is a vintage bottle of boonekamp. Found it in a flea market. The seller told me it was at least 50 year old. I also love old things so… it cost me something like 2 bucks back then. It was open but had a little bit of alcohol left. The second is a extra small tabasco bottle, holds only 0.7 ml! That one is sealed.

        I don’t have a standard really, if it’s something enjoyable then it’s long gone. Jack Daniels & absolut, grey goose bottles all emptied during weak moments lol. If it’s something like a herb oil or tabasco I keep it sealed. I appreciate the bottle more than what’s inside anyways so.

        Do you keep yours sealed? Got a favourite one?

        • FireWire400@lemmy.worldOP
          1 year ago

          I have to say it’s been a while since I last looked at them and I’m not even sure where they are… but I kept them pretty much sealed, the alcohol has long vapourised out of most of them anyway. There’s one I quite like, I don’t know what beverage it held originally but it’s like a tiny wine bottle with a small basket around it that goes around the whole bottle.

          I can’t describe it very well but hopefully you know what I mean.

            1 year ago

            I think I know what you mean. I’ve never seen a miniature wine bottle, let alone one with its own basket. Sounds super cool. So cool that I’ll try to buy one online. Thanks for that!