In the days of player empowerment and constant moving around teams, it feels like there are more players than ever that are guarantees for the Hall… but possibly no teams that want to hang their number in the rafters. Who do you reckon falls into this category?
AD won’t be in the hall of fame.
Now this is just stupid
AD is a first ballot hall of famer lmao
Not sure if joking or idiot. Even without his gold medal or amazing college year, he’s in first ballot. He has a higher HOF probability than Giannis based off bball ref.
I forget it’s the basketball HOF and not the NBA HOF. Also notoriously the “Hall of Pretty Good” for basketball. I guess AD falls into the “pretty good” category.
Basketball Reference gives AD a 99% chance of make the HOF.
He is a lock
I read their comment, went and checked BR’s HOF Monitor, came back to leave this exact reply and the original comment is already gone