Senior men have higher rates of suicide than average, and firearms were involved in more than three-quarters of those deaths in 2021, according to a CDC report

    11 months ago

    Suicide is everything from highly planned to impulsive. You’ve built your argument on a fallacy

    Sure, I probably should have said “many suicides are an impulse”, but you’re going to have to do better then semantics.

    But if that’s the game we’re playing, by your own admission, it’s not a fallacy, it just doesn’t cover every suicide.

    Which is fine, because I’ll never claim that gun control will prevent all suicides, but the types of impulse suicides I specifically detailed.

    So this isn’t about male suicide but guns…

    Means reduction is means reduction. It remains one of the most effective methods of suicide prevention and that wont change just because this particular means reduction upsets pro-gun reactionaries.

    People also got upset when their access to barbiturates, toxic gas and easy to jump off bridges was reduced. But people went ahead and saved a measurable number of lives anyway, because bridge aficionados aren’t part of a death cult backed by a powerful lobby group.

    When the causes of death is compared across genders is blatantly obvious the difference is the means to ACT on it.

    So you’re saying that men have greater access to some kind of “means”, that are more lethal than other means, which increases the number of them that die by suicide?

    Damn, who’d’ve though?

    Men are less likely to seek help, more likely to ACT. This is not a uniquely American issue, its world wide in fact America does not rank in the top 20 countries.

    I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but I’m the one advocating that we take steps to reduce the suicide rate, using repeatedly proven strategies.

    It’s the pro-gun commenters that you seemingly agree with who are advocating that we do less.

    I even did it without bringing gender into it, because I don’t feel that someones genitals makes their suicide any more of less tragic.

    Unfortunately, that didn’t stop you from seeing the words “women” and “suicide” used in the same post and twisting it into something you could get upset about.

    Notice how its the same problem and we do not have guns accessible?

    Yep, I see the statistics that have nothing to do with the point I was making.