Hey for everyone living in the New York area (Any of the boroughs or Long Island) what is it like driving a manual transmission everyday? I was reading it can be annoying in tight stop and go traffic? Which is usually how it is here during rush hour. I’m in Long Island if that helps anyone here. Opinions on getting one, or stick to automatic?
Everyone on both sides of this “debate” really overstates their case and sounds like a total drama queen.
The reality is, if you daily drive a manual long enough, it becomes second-nature and you don’t really notice or think about shifting in regular/boring/rush hour traffic driving conditions. I never had problems daily driving manuals (including through lower Westchester traffic) for 10+ years. I also don’t really miss shifting anymore when I’m just sitting in traffic. Human beings are pretty adaptable, having to push in a clutch every now and then isn’t going to ruin your life.
Drive what you want to drive.