Ho Ho Ho! or whatever sounds your gift-givers make! Happy Holidays
I’m gonna be honest: I’m an atheist who loves traditional Christmas music. Throw a brass band on there like it’s 1895 and I just climbed out of a twenty hour shift in the coal mines and I’m a happy man.
My only issue is, my autoplay youtube queue starts off all innocent, then 1 hour into it and its all god this and jesus that. What does god have to do with christmas anyway?
What does god have to do with christmas anyway?
Funny you should ask, the answer is actually nothing, since Christmas was originally a pagan celebration of the winter solstice. You can thank the Romans for conquering the people who created that festival, changing the name to Saturnalia in honor of one of their gods, and then converting to Christianity and weaving Saturnalia into their new favorite mythology because it’s just easier to keep the holiday and say “Actually Jesus was born on this day” rather than explain to revelers why they aren’t supposed to have their usual festivities that they’ve become quite accustomed to having as a matter of tradition.
Even the modern celebration is mostly secular these days. Christmas for many is defined by gift exchange, food, and spending quality time with loved ones, not necessarily worship.
It’s the absolute worst time of the year.
While I’m surrounded with people who are non believers I still have to fight my way to convince them that my favorite chri**mas is spent at home without all this capitalistic bullshit and shopping frenzy.
Go do fucking whatever, just leave me out of this.
Christmas music for consumers* ftfy
Nah fuck all that. I celebrate Dies Natali Solis Invictae with the dying groans of gladiators and the thunder of chariots, the way Julian intended it.
Those were good days
OK now I’m interested. So you have a link? Or maybe a list?
Aye, but ye gotta be on Spotify. Pirates be banned!