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A guy in the office who i speak to regularly about Arsenal says he heard that the Odegaard concussion story may be a bit of a cover up for the fact that Arteta and Odegaard have had a falling out recently.
I did call BS on this but wondered if anyone else has heard similar?
I heard Arteta is D.B Cooper
Heard they had a fight in the canteen and they both got covered in gravy, Arteta cheap shorted Ødegaard by hairbutting him, this enraged Ødegaard who was about to use his finishing move and suplex Arteta through a table but then Win’s distressed barking caused everyone to calm down.
Hope the squad can get through this!
I heard the medical staff found out he’s actually born in ‘89 and not ‘98 and the club is currently suing Drammen Hospital, Martin is going through shock and his parents are struggling to reach him, he’s refused to hear their explanations
Next time, ask what’s their source on these kinda news. If he can’t even give a source on it, most likely a lie or some waffle BS
I remember the same thing was said in yesterday’s daily discussion as well.