Am I going crazy of has the amount of anti-EV “articles” started to skyrocket. Just today, I’ve seen a “Why I’m not buying an EV” concern article, some accusing Biden of killing EVs, “The true costs of buying an EV,” and my favorite: “Study: The True Cost of Charging an EV: $17/gallon.” (That study was funded by Exxon Mobil, lol).
What’s going on? Why is all the EV hate in the media ramping up?

  • PegaxS@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    It’s called “lobbying” and it’s what petrochemical companies do. They dont want you being able to fuel up at home from a plug in the wall. They have billions tied up in distribution and retail outlets, as well as refineries.

    These companies have a vest interest in persuading the lowest common denominator that EV’s are the devils work. That is why any Fox/Sky/Murdoch paper/mouthpiece will report “EV sales are falling, no one wants EV’s. The dangers of buying an EV…” etc etc, while the real world figures show EV adoption at 1000% over the last few years.

    The reason it is ramping up because 2 or 3 years ago, EV’s were niche and not many companies made them and they were a bit of an exclusive thing… Petrol companies are now just coming to the realisation that EV’s are coming thick and fast and people want them, so they are doubling their efforts to stem the tide of change…

    It happens every time there is a massive consumer shift, companies are slow to react and want to cling to the old ways. So, instead of moving with the times, they try and convince people that the old technology is better, cheaper, faster, cleaner, etc… when it isn’t, they just dont want to change.