Am I going crazy of has the amount of anti-EV “articles” started to skyrocket. Just today, I’ve seen a “Why I’m not buying an EV” concern article, some accusing Biden of killing EVs, “The true costs of buying an EV,” and my favorite: “Study: The True Cost of Charging an EV: $17/gallon.” (That study was funded by Exxon Mobil, lol).
What’s going on? Why is all the EV hate in the media ramping up?

  • ZobeidZuma@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    As somebody who’s been watching this scene for many years, it’s been funny to see how it has developed.

    In the early days of Tesla, Roadster and Model S, they would get mentioned in the press with sort of gee-whiz “here’s the latest tech” tones. Then, if the story was featured anywhere that allowed user comments, the internet peanut gallery would pile on with every reason why they imagined EVs don’t/can’t work. There was nothing organized, just the natural reaction that we always see against any new idea whatsoever.

    And then, as the numbers of cars on the road increased, and they became more familiar, we saw them on the road, we saw them on YouTube, the Model 3 ramped up, etc. . . The internet peanut gallery simmered down. They never shut off completely, but we got to a point where an article about an EV could come out, and the comment section would no longer be dominated by fiery debate about whether EVs can even function as cars.

    I thought that would be the end of it. But no. . . Now we’re seeing the (seemingly) organized pushback in the media, in the press, etc. Now we’re getting the actual anti-EV propaganda with backing from. . . . somewhere. And it’s hilarious to me, because it’s so obviously too late to matter. The horse has left the barn. There are literally millions of electric cars on the road now, and people know what they are and what they can do. There is no more real mystery about range, charging, etc. It’s hard to explain to people why an EV can’t work when they’ve already got one, or their neighbors have got one, or their cousin has got one, etc.

    • MTLBRICK@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Also certain YouTubers have found a niche shitting on EVs while driving £120k Taycan…