IT needs more brains, so why is it so bad at getting them?::Open-book exams aren’t nearly open enough

  • Artair
    1 year ago

    Speaking from years of experience in IT (nearly thirty of them), I can give my own unscientific opinion: because people put too much faith in certifications, and refuse to do any on-the-job training. You can have five of the six skills listed in a job ad, but if you don’t have that all-important sixth one, your application will get round-filed. It doesn’t matter if it would be a simple matter to train a tech on that one thing. Businesses want phoenixes for chicken scratch.

    Certifications are a boondoggle, and have been for years. The tests have been rigged in such a way that candidates need to take them again and again to pass, and they get charged a fee for each attempt. The test itself is a revenue source for companies. The “prestige” those certifications bring for the companies that front them is based on their difficulty, not on their relevance or fairness.

    I once attended a Microsoft certification “boot camp.” We all worked our asses off, studied the material, and most of us passed at least one test. Nobody passed all three exams except for one person. I had noticed that person using test prep software with a logo that didn’t match the stuff we’d been given. It looked like an orange DNA helix.

    After the last test, a bunch of us milled around outside the building, and I asked the guy who passed how he made it through. He ran for his truck so fast that there was practically a dust cloud behind him. That’s when I decided to look up that logo on Google.

    He’d been using a “brain dump” service. For those unaware of what a “brain dump” is, it’s when a third-party company sends a bunch of people to intentionally fail the exams over and over. During each attempt, those people memorize the test questions. Then the company has their plants aggregate all the possible questions in an exam pool and the correct answers to them. In effect, it’s a copy of the whole test.

    Brain dumps are extremely common in IT. When I worked at VMware, many of our own employees used them to pass certification exams that were mandatory for continued employment. Those people had been doing their jobs for years. They just needed a bogus piece of virtual paper to prove it to our executive leadership. It was all about appearances.

    Why is tech struggling for qualified workers?

    Because it refuses to acknowledge them.

    1 year ago

    Judging from the AI-generated picture above I assume it is because IT is an undead nightmare hellscape where you are shackled to ancient technology that sucks your life-blood out of you until you inevitably fuse into it and become part of the unending doom machine that is late-stage capitalism

    1 year ago

    Honestly just changing the interview process would be enough to get more people into the business.

    Literally yesterday I did a code challenge to track the distance, speed, maintenance schedules, and predict collisions of forklifts in a warehouse. The job I was applying for was a pretty average SRE roll… System design, IaC, CI/CD pipelines, PromQL, etc… How is the code challenge representative of the job in any way?

    I feel like I need to learn leetcode algorithm patterns just for the interviews… I never need them for the actual jobs I get hired for.

      1 year ago

      Pre-COVID I needed a low - mid level help desk person.

      My screening questions were:

      What are the steps for troubleshooting not being able to print.

      Excluding out of paper or out of toner / ink which are states clearly displayed to the user, What is the most likely cause for not being able to print.

      If a user puts a ticket in that they’re getting BSoD but they missed what the message was. How do you find out what that message was.

      I wasn’t even looking for right answers I was just looking for some signal that they had seen the problems before or had a reasonable thought process of how to proceed.

      I had around 150 applicants, six of them said anything at all that would make me think they had seen a printer or blue screen of death situation before.

    1 year ago

    IT requires you to constantly learn new things to stay relevant. I don’t know if any other industry requires this as much as IT.