Hi lemmy!

Today I want to tell some facts about cob houses! Cob houses are magical little houses made of natural materials like soil and straw. I think they look like a mushroom, or something from a fairytale that a little gnome could live in. But, they’re real, and they’re actually great for the environment too! Here are some facts I learned about cob houses:

  • The term “cob house” dates back to 1600s England, but the material used for cob houses has been used since prehistoric times. Cob houses are at least 10,00 years old!
  • There are very old cob houses that can be visited today in countries throughout Europe and Asia. There are even some listed on AirBnB, if you want to see what it’s like to live in one!
  • Cob houses have natural thermal regulation properties. The material soaks in heat during the day, keeping the interior cool, and then releases that heat at night when the temperatures have dropped. This results in very stable temperatures for cob house dwellers.
  • Cob material also makes cob houses very fire resistant and sturdy. This means they are very safe places to live! Well built cob houses can go hundreds of years without even needing repairs.
  • Cob houses can be incredibly inexpensive. Small cob houses can be built for only a few thousand dollars. Combined with their energy efficiency, this makes cob houses a very affordable option for a home.

Cob houses have been around for thousands of years, and many of them still stand today. Although in the past they were the homes of poor farmers and laborers, I think they are beautiful and fascinating, and could make a great place to live even today!

Thank you for learning about cob houses with me!