The MIT engineers agree. They said something to the effect of “If you could make a robotic bee, it wouldn’t replace bees. It would be a terrible idea to try to use them for pollination… Just put that same amount of finding into conservation and researching bees, you would have a much better result.”
I’d rather just have bees.
I’d rather not have robot bees. I’ve seen hated in the nation (black mirror episode).
The MIT engineers agree. They said something to the effect of “If you could make a robotic bee, it wouldn’t replace bees. It would be a terrible idea to try to use them for pollination… Just put that same amount of finding into conservation and researching bees, you would have a much better result.”
But how can techbros get rich from bees? Bees just make themselves for free then serve the greater good, the little buzzing communists.
Even birds are starting to seem acceptable