• honestnbafan@fediverser.communick.devB
    11 months ago

    It’s interesting that despite MJ obviously having a huge ego himself he’s never actually openly called himself the GOAT while LeBron has several times

    This is even despite the fact that I think MJ still has the 65/35ish or 70/30ish edge among general NBA fandom as well as NBA players

    • dsbllr@fediverser.communick.devB
      11 months ago

      Unless LeBron wins another ring I think most people will side with MJ. LeBron maybe the greatest overall player on and off the court

    • Asphaltjungle33@fediverser.communick.devB
      11 months ago

      Ehhh yes and no. Maybe not “publicly” but if you watched the last dance he was very vocal to other people about his status and he was well aware of it.

      He would literally call himself “God” and “Black Jesus”. Which might be a little more egotistical than saying he’s the greatest player ever.

      There was also that time he got into a heated argument with wilt chamberlain about who was the GOAT between him and Wilt. MJ probably is the GOAT but I definitely wouldn’t say he’s humble


    • nikop@fediverser.communick.devB
      11 months ago

      I don’t think I’ve ever heard an athlete call himself GOAT. Maybe some senile retired player somewhere but nothing I can think of off the top of my head. It’s not really a title you can give yourself as it’s entirely made up of how others perceive you.

    • PM_ME_OVERT_SIDEBOOB@fediverser.communick.devB
      11 months ago

      It’s what I respect about him. On the court MJ was the cockiest and most arrogant SOB besides maybe Kobe… yet off the court he always comes off as fairly humble given a quality question from the media

      • Public-Product-1503@fediverser.communick.devB
        11 months ago

        Actually mj stans who are bothered by Lebron merely viewing himself this way are the ones most bothered by it. Nobody else should care , if any consensus top 15~ player views themselves this way I don’t even think there’s anything wrong with that . Some people like to be fake humble in public though and have the media have an entire propaganda campaign to sell them as goat. It has been bizarre for me as someone who was neutral and uncaring for goat that somehow despite being older mj fans have worse arguments n act more offended or like it’s not a discussion. Blinded by nostalgia I presume or they use media designated awards to decide FOR THEM how good a basketball player was when we all criticise how bad the media are at that at times especially on defense; it’s also worth noting that nobody really here’s anything much from mj post retirement anyone who think that man doesn’t think ( for also good reasons ) he’s the best ever is daft n playing some weird morality game.

        The Jordan mythology is far stronger and for ages now you’ve had media constantly further that legacy , I don’t think Bron will be the myth is goat but who played the most impactful on winning basketball games , basketball , over the course of their careers? I would say it’s Lebron n I don’t even say this to hate but I only put mj second of asked cos I cba with the folk who think Kareem ( or russel? Not me personally but I think it’s a fair take ) is slanderous to put Jordan below 2. If people want to be angry fine but for those who want to see some interesting discussion I’d recommend realgm /player comparison board for basketball. There’s people there ( for mj too ) with well thought out explanations that are interesting. Mj was the goat there untill 2020 narrowly losing to Bron and in this years ranking the margin is pronounced. The criteria there is : expected amount of championship odds ( it’s more in depth ofc) but this is imo the best way to judge a player. If you played out theur career who would drive you to the most success?

        I also think average fans have little idea how difficult it is for mj to have actual dpoy impact . Go look through nba history of elite defences : especially playoffs ones. You will not find any anchored by guards : it’s big men or the pippen/Lebron ( pg n Kawhi i woukd list too but it’s style large forward who can offer some degree of rim protection : because that is more valuable.

        I’ve already written too much n there are places where this is discussed in detail n with data far beyond me which I will link if anyone cares to read for fun. I do think it is interesting that if Bron wins one more ring I believe the majority will eventually believe he’s the goat . But does that mean he’s actually a better player ? Ofc not, unless he adds something objectively new/better.

      • Wallys_Wild_West@fediverser.communick.devB
        11 months ago

        Because MJ knows he’s the goat.

        Are you forgetting that MJ was so insecure about it that he paid to have a documentary made where everyone gasses him up? Even most of the players involved in the Last Dance don’t believe the nonsense put forward in it.

        • BigMik_PL@fediverser.communick.devB
          11 months ago

          I see that claim thrown about a lot but wasn’t the whole thing made by ESPN and Netflix? They controlled things like release date and when to start filming no?

          I feel like a post NBA finals is the best time to release a documentary to hit that off-season crowd yearning for more ball.

    • Drag0nborn1234@fediverser.communick.devB
      11 months ago

      People kinda forget MJ made a whole ass documentary praising himself.

      But also I think it holds a lot less weight to him because of the way the media praised him at a point of his career where he clearly wasn’t the GOAT yet, but MJ brought so much money and viewers to the NBA that everyone just wanted to see segments about him and his greatness.

      I remember he even mentioned feeling weird about being put over people with way more accolades than him at the time.

    • Instantcoffees@fediverser.communick.devB
      11 months ago

      You’d say it’s 70/30? I thought MJ still had more of an edge than that. I guess maybe the younger generation that never say MJ play leans more towards Lebron?