So I’m sitting here, eating a chicken breast, with a side of ramen noodles, and I think to myself “This needs something”. In my brain I KNOW the ramen needs some chipotle sauce, and the chicken needs some bbq sauce.

But I’m just not in the mood for spicy right now. And one of the biggest problems is the fact that I’m eating this with water. Again. Water every day. Water water water. Gotta drink water! WATER IS GOOD FOR YOUUUUU!!!

Now two years ago I found out I had cancer. Guys, don’t get cancer. Do not reccomend. Not a good time.

I had to give up a LOT of shit. The doctors basically said in a nicer way that I was putting so much shit in my body, that my body just took a shit on me. Garbage in, garbage out. They said it in a nicer way, but, that’s the jist of it.

I gave up drinking. Which was…aggrivating at first, but mostly because it meant that all the sudden all my friends vanished out of my life. I’d go to hang out with them, and be like “Hey, you wanna go…somewhere?” and they’d essentially say “Ah, nah…I’m gonna stay in…”

Then I’d find out days later that everybody went without me, and they looked drunk as hell doing it. That’s when I pieced it together. They don’t want to hang out with someone who can’t/won’t drink.

Another thing, that was FAR harder for me to give up, is beef. I’ve been sad that I’m not out drinking with my friends, but I miss my friends more than the drinking. I’ve never had just a craving for 20 beers before. I did it because I hung out with alcoholics, which by definition made ME an alcoholic…but in a weird not really kinda way. I never had physical cravings for alcohol. I stopped cold, and felt more lonely than withdrawly.

Not so with beef. I absolutely DO crave a big ol double bacon cheeseburger. Fuck it, make it a triple, with 3 kinds of cheeses. Drench the damn thing in queso, and then deep fry it, because…fuck it, why not, ya know?

Well…like I said. Garbage in, garbage out.

So now I’m sitting here, eating a chicken breast. No more fast food. Made it myself. Air frier mode on my convection oven. It’s not bad…but again, it’s missing something. And that something is something to wash it down with.

Also gave up soda, and I think that’s truely what this dish needs. Like a good cherry coke, or a dr pepper. One of the dark colas for sure. I will slap you in your face if you ask if pepsi is ok. Pepsi is never ok. Pepsi is the saddened cry of a man who’s given up in life, and I did not go through cancer treatment to give up. You bring the fight, or what’s even the point? Ya know?

But…gotta give up soda…already gave up beer…a jack and coke is purely out of the question.

I bought some lemonaide…I like lemonaide…but winter lemonaide is just not doing it for me. I was ADDICTED to the lemonaide when I was going through cancer treatment, and going down to the baseball stadium every day in the summer. They had free refills on fountain drinks. If you could OD on lemonaide, I’d have died in the stadium. Which, I mean…there’s worse places to die. The stadium is my happy place.

Not the point. The point is, I am eating this juicy chicken breast, which I am amazing myself that I’M the one who made it…and these ramen noodles which I found a great replacement for the seasoning pack. It’s actually a chicken seasoning. So way less sodium, and tastes way better.

But then you go to drink something…and it’s fucking WATER…AGAIN.

Water every day…driving me NUTS!!! Gotta find something healthy, that’s also cheap, and tasty. Preferably non-carbonated, as I assume the carbination is part of what’s pissing off my insides. All the gas.

    2 months ago

    Herbal tea. You can find things from fruit and citrus, to spice and choclate. Make a big batch cold, drink it hot, whatever. If you get really into it you can just buy the ingredients in bulk and make your own blends.

    Lots of companies do samples, so you can try a few and start picking out the ingredients you like.

    2 months ago

    Fruit juice with sparkling water. Called spritzer in German.

    I read you said non-carbonated, but I’m a bit of a rebel. Rules can’t contain me.

    2 months ago

    You can try flavoring water with fresh fruit or mint. Also try making healthy smoothies! I like chocolate milk with unsweetened cocoa powder. Of course there’s also tea and coffee. They’re as healthy as you want them to be. :)

    2 months ago

    Kombucha allowed me to get sweet and fizzy without soda. It’s certainly not cheap but it’s healthy.

    2 months ago

    True Lime / True Lemon packets are my goto when I’m trying to be healthy, but a plain old glass of water isn’t going to cut it.

    One packet for a hint of flavor, two if I want something closer to a sugar free limeade/lemonade.

    2 months ago

    Big fan of milk with dinner. If you’d like to try something different, a yogurt drink might be worth a go, I’ve been addicted to those recently. Last but not least - a glass of cran-apple could be a good bet. Also, I have a friend who feels the same way about Pepsi you do, gave me a laugh.

    2 months ago

    Chipotle sauce in ramen?! You need some sort of chili oil or sauce. I know a chipotle is a type of chili, but you know what I mean. The Asian stuff.