you there, what distro do you use?
distro? why it’s arch linux, sir
Please explain this for a DOS/Windows user?
Windows? You have exactly 10 seconds to get the hell out of my house!
I mean, I dual-boot Mint now. And at least you don’t come after me for DOS, because that would get me defensive…
it’s a Chinese distro that looks very pretty but pays a heavy performance penalty
Ah, absolutely not worth it then. I prefer to keep RAM free for games and video rendering.
OK, you have 20 seconds
“I use Gentoo sir and my DE is i3, I brought my dotfiles if you would like to see them”
“Son, it’s great to have you here. HONEY IM TAKING STEVE TO THE OFFICE!”
I3 ??!!!??111 That’s bloatware OUT OF MY HOUSE
Any gui rendering is bloat
Really, the metric we should be looking at is
is some subjective weighted measure of functionality,a
of aesthetic value andb
describes the bloat.
you have 9 seconds to -funroll-loops the fuck out of my house!
I just continuously google “how to reinstall grub”, never get a chance to login
Pfft, Linux users don’t date. We’re all virginal, paranoid shut-ins.
I don’t date because women are proprietary.
You can share them with the community, but you can’t modify and use them in any way you like.The trick is securing a marriage before using Linux, if try the other way around it doesn’t work.
Shortly after getting my steam deck and seriously learning Linux past tiny personal servers, I got divorced
I don’t know. I’m pretty sure one of the many ways you can end a marriage is installing Gentoo and saying “I’m just gonna go and compile my kernel.” to your significant other, then go to your computer and just never be heard from again.
nah man they’re into that
And this meme here is showing one of the reasons why
Yeah, ikr? My wife won’t even bang me, and I’m fairly sure it’s part of a global conspiracy to make my balls explode
sudo touch wife
southsamurai isn’t in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
That’s what Anthrocon is for. Once a year is enough.
And if that isn’t enough, I know a few good dakimakura shops.
Arch (btw) and many kvm’s for browsing , each browser has its unique fingerprint
I use Arch btw
Get back to me when you use a real distro, the Hannah Montana distro is the one true distro.
Nah, TempleOS.
First time seeing hate for deepin. What’s wrong with it?
It’s by a Chinese company, and collects telemetry on its users via Umeng+, which is a Beijing-based analytics company. Even though it’s open source, the code is large enough that it’s hard to tell if there is anythinf compromising in there from the Chinese government, and/or whether/what data collected by Umeng+ is making it to the Chinese government.
So I guess the backdoor is buried DeepIn the code
It’s unfortunate, because I really like the DE. Real stand out. If it were more trustworthy, it’d be my first choice.
Apparently you can download it from the AUR if you really want to.
I mean a simple
grep -r “string” *
Does wonders to find anything, but you need to know what you’re looking for. I’d probably look for DNS names that end in government or China specific TLDs to start with.
grep -r "evil spyware" *
nothing? awesome, I guess this software is safe to use. Let’s gooo
There are so many ways to obfuscate things that your approach won’t work.
it’s trivial to break that approach by obfuscating strings. You can do things like using base64 encoded strings in the source code, building strings from smaller component parts, or using rot13 on, say, the host component of a URI. That last one could be pretty interesting if you, as a threat actor, owned both permutations. The hostname (minus TLD) in the source code could be the nice, human readable version ( that appears to be something legit. Then, when you rot13 it to, traffic is sent to the evil site doing scary things. People can be far more tricksy than that. There’s also the whole issue around whether or not the binaries you’re running actually match the code in the repo. The xz kerfuffle showed how much can be hidden that way.
EDIT: I should make it clear that I don’t use Deepin or the DE it provides because I only use WMs with no desktop, so the distro and DE are of no interest to me. I don’t know if it’s a security hazard or not, I have no horse in this fight.
First time seeing hate for deepin. What’s wrong with it?
Western concerns about connections to Chinese government
Radware’s head of threat research has commented on concerns about analytics collected by Deepin, and whether these are sent to the Chinese government: while the CNZZ analytics service has been removed, analytics are still collected, now by “Umeng+”.[29] According to cybersecurity lawyer Steven T. Snyder, due to the sheer size of Deepin’s codebase, it is impossible to really scrutinize all the code comprising it to be sure the Chinese government doesn’t have backdoors.[29] The project does remain fully open source allowing anyone to review, modify or change the code to meet their standards.
due to the sheer size of [the] codebase, it’s impossible […] to be sure [it] doesn’t have backdoors.
Meanwhile Linux and systemd
Well, Windows is worse by far
Ah yes, a dystopian government OS with direct uplink to the thought police is much less of a security risk and convenience loss than a by all objective measures reasonably working and widespread OS with broad compatibility, just because the latter is made by a for profit corporation, MICROSOFT EVUL GUYS AMIRITE
I’m a Linux user myself due to the hostile practices of win11, but get some perspective ffs
Sure…an open source OS is worse than a closed one. Because you are too lazy to check the former, yet trust the latter ignoring all its well documented cases of spying on users…
Maybe you should try to go back to basic logic over idiological tribalism before you question other people’s perspective.
I’m all for open source, but being open source does not mean that it cannot be, or even that it is unlikely to be malicious
Zero reading comprehension. I am not a windows user myself as I said, and would happily recommend virtually any other Linux distro (aside from the fact that I am at best a novice when it comes to the various differences) over windows.
But not one made by, or at least greenlit by an autocratic regime that actively seeks to gain influence abroad. People shouldn’t use fucking red star OS either.
Wow your propaganda susceptibility is really showing. Guess the american thought police did their job well. Imagine calling windows, a literal spyware masterpiece that sucks up every bit of data it can a " reasonably working and widespread OS with broad compatibility" and an open source piece of software, “a dystopian government OS with a direct uplink to the thought police”. Like honestly what thoughts exactly do you think China is pilicing on western users and how are they acting on them? Meanwhile Microsoft, Samsung, Google, are all actively collecting as much data as possible and not even trying to hide it anymore, despite not being open source.
Its just the countries of government changed lol. It’s not like we don’t have evidenced for microsoft leaking user data and allowing fbi to hack windows computers. At least in case of deepin we don’t have evidence
You think Microsoft doesn’t give a direct uplink to America’s thought police?
This is ridiculous. If someone could write the code, someone cluld analyze it. If noone has found anything suspicious or incriminating then this just seems like anti china propaganda. “Maybe this Chinese company is collecting data! Even though their code is publically available we cant know for sure!” Meanwhile every US company is sucking up telemetry on every keystroke. Like what a thing to argue about when Microsoft, Samsung, Google, Meta, etc etc exist. And tbh, id rather china have my data then the US anyway. The US is both more likely and more capable of using it against me.
Not just deepin, but really any piece of software made by a Chinese or Chinese owned company should be treated with suspicion. At least, until the inevitable fall of the CCP occurs.
This is insane. US companies blatantly collect data, meanwhile a chinese company releases OPEN SOURCE software that hasnt been shown to do anything malicious and your response is “but maybe they somehow hid some tracking in there”. Bro examine your prejudices.
What gets me is how everyone can spout this shit and not feel any shame. Somehow it’s okay when US companies do it, but even suspecting the Chinese is enough to shun something. I’m disappointed to see all the upvotes this bigotry gets.
just use Garuda if you are a gamer, Qubes or Tails if you wear tin foil as your hat, Mint or Ubuntu if you barely know anything about computers, Arch or Void if you like to tinker with your system, Slackware or Gentoo if you hate yourself, Alma or Debian testing if you need a secure server, openSuse Tumbleweed or Kde neon if you like KDE and productivity
As Debian testing doesn’t get (all) security fixes, it is NOT ment for running a secure server. This is what stable is for.
Slackware or Gentoo if you hate yourself
Slackware or Gentoo if you hate yourself
The preferred nomenclature is ‘learning experience,’ thank you very much
that’s Arch
If I use CentOS? (It’s on an embedded system I work on. Most of the time I am actually running it in a VM inside of winblows.
First sentence, last sentence, skip the rest.
Actually, I use Arch, by th- Ow! Okay, I’m going! I’m going!
The dad pulls up his pant legs to reveal his rainbow knee highs.
“A man of culture I see.”
I use WSL btw