• 13 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月19日

  • I mean, the Phoenix movie was the first joker movie, but I get what you mean.

    And I’d say they have all been good.

    Ledger was amazing in the role, bringing the “agent of chaos” Joker to its ultimate form.

    Keoghan barely made an appearance, but I think he carried it well.

    Then there’s Leto. Controversial to be sure. But, imo, he carried the role he was hired to play. And it works, within that context. The movies themselves weren’t great (even the Snyder remix was meh, and calling that a joker movie isn’t accurate), but the joker inside those movies worked. And, I would even say it takes a batshit crazy narcissist like Leto to play the Joker that was written in the suicide squad and Harley movies.

    But, I wouldn’t argue with anyone that disagreed. I’m fine with saying those movies sucked as joker movies.

    Now, I don’t know if you include the animated options or not. But Mark Hamill kills in that role. Utterly brilliant voice acting.

    If you go back, which I don’t think you meant since you said Nicholson was the last good joker, Romero was perfect for the era, and was in the one movie from then.

    Even if you discount my opinion on Leto, and ignore the animated stuff, you’re left with Ledger and Phoenix, who both owned the character in their own way.

  • I mean, if you don’t mind solar cell production also taking a hit, yeah.

    It isn’t going to doom the world or anything, but if the mines aren’t recoverable in a fairly short amount of time, it will put a major crimp in solar deployment. That includes driving up the price (which, unless we’re willing to kick off a revolution, is a major factor in a capitalist system) of solar right when it’s really starting to be so much cheaper than fossil fuels that it can be a big shift for energy.

    Short term, it isn’t going to do anything at all. Even a few months would be a blip. But if the mines take much longer than that, it’s a big problem for everyone.

    And, as an added problem, you’ve got the people that do the work now displaced. They’ll only be able to just sit idle for so long before they have to move on to other jobs, likely well away from the area. So you have a talent drain involved that can ripple out just as badly as the production drop for solar.

    I don’t think anyone legitimately gives a fuck about the semiconductor makers taking a hit financially (well, assuming it doesn’t fuck the rest of us down the road too), but the “tech” industry isn’t just companies churning out the next GPU model or AI scam.

  • Man, this is why I’ve always been willing to trip sit anyone I care about that wants to try a new-to-them substance. You can’t always tell how someone is going to react to something new. If that something is hallucinogenic, if something does go wrong with the trip, you really want a sober buddy to keep things from going wrong outside the trip.

    Hell, I’ve been known to sit with someone that’s used hallucinogens before, just to be safe, if I can.

    It isn’t just hallucinogens though. I’ve known people that had bad reactions to not just heavier shit, but stuff that’s as mild as weed. Somebody gets hit by the weed fairy wrong, they can get into a panic and end up doing stuff that could hurt them, especially if it’s their first few times trying it.

    Mind you, if it’s something smokable, I won’t be present for the smoking because fuck that shit. But I’ve done it for meth and crack too. Tried my damndest to talk him out of it, and it was only one person with those two. But he was one of those folks that wants to try everything mind altering at least once. I would not likely repeat that for anyone else tbh.

    But damn, folks; if you aren’t already familiar with a substance, find someone you can trust to keep you safe. Even the mildest things out there can cause problems, and you can’t always be sure it’s unadulterated. Accidents happen, allergic reactions can happen, dosing can go wrong. So be safe. Find a buddy.

  • Alton brown Brown Has a recipe that’s similar to the way we do our pickled rinds.

    The difference is in the spices. We do ours with black peppercorns, whole clove, and a cinnamon stick.

    Honestly, you can pretty much use any spices you want, and it’ll be good. I’ve had them with coriander, caraway, hot peppers, all kinds of stuff.

    The texture is crisp, at least for the first while; they do soften up towards the end of their life if you forget about them. The flavor of the rind itself is very mild, even milder than a cucumber.

    Also, Alton calls for 1 inch cubes. That’s a good size overall, but if you want it smaller for making into a relish after they’ve sat a few days, starting with half or quarter inch cubes gets more of the flavor to the interior of the rind, if that’s something you’d want.

    I’ve also seen them sliced into spears, similar to cuke pickle spears. Works really well with barbecue (pit smoked kind), roasted fowl, and stuff like livermush sandwiches, though that last one is mostly a me thing lol

    The relish is as good as chowchow on most anything you’d use that on. You just mince up the cubes, and there should be enough juice in them to make a nice relish without anything added. If not, a tablespoon out of the brine in the jar will get you there. I’ve been known to mince up a little onion, usually a Vidalia or other sweet onion, and mix that in too, but not every time.

  • I mean, c’mon.

    Dude had to know he was doing something stupid. Which means he did it knowing exactly what the outcome could be. So fuck that guy.

    I eat chicken. I have pet chickens. I have no issue with feeding already killed chickens to other animals. I have no problem with animals in the wild eating other animals.

    But there’s a line. The line isn’t the eating, and it isn’t the killing. It’s how it’s done. You don’t just throw a live animal to a predator in captivity unless there’s no other way. And gators will eat anything, they aren’t some kind of panda or koala with a niche diet.

    You don’t do it for entertainment, and that’s what this asshole did.

    Now, is anyone required to agree with that opinion? Hell no. Opinions are like assholes; almost everyone has one and they’re all full of shit. But that’s my opinion, and I stand by it.

  • Overall good.

    Our rooster is unhappy, what with the rains lately. The volunteer hen has been hiding, and our pet hen is indoors currently, so he’s lonely, but too grumpy to stay on the porch where he could be dry and have more frequent visits.

    The pet hen is indoors because she had a bit of bumblefoot, and there’s no point in her being outside in all the wetness with that healing up and bandages in place.

    But they’re all otherwise healthy. And they’re all still endearing idiots lol. The rooster is the biggest idiot of them all, but chickens are not exactly bright.

    The pet hen, she’s decided this is her house, and we servants are not moving quick enough to follow her orders. Her orders are usually either : give me that food, monkey; or: move me to that place, monkey. With her foot bandaged up, she can’t just jump everywhere since that foot slides off of things sometimes, so she’ll come and squawk at one of us until we follow her to where she wants to be, then pecks a foot while hopping until she’s lifted into place.

    Most of the time, that’s the old cat hammock in the window. She nestles in there and scolds anything that walks or flies by.

    Sometimes, it’s “her” spot on the couch. But that’s actually my usual spot. If someone else puts her there, she screeches and squawks at them if they try to sit down. Then, if they walk away, she does the same thing because she didn’t say they could leave without getting me. If it’s me and I try to walk away, it’s the same treatment, but she’ll jump off and follow me, squawking and flapping her wings until I go back, put her up, and then sit down.

    No pets, only sits. No, get your damn dirty paws off of me monkey, no pets, only sits.

    She likes sitting on the arm of the couch with me in the seat. But petting is by appointment only, and her calendar is full.

    Normally, she only comes in for a few hours in the evening, and isn’t that demanding lol.

    Believe it or not, she’s good company. I’ll put on some music and we’ll sing along. Sometimes, she just wants to be close to me, nestled up to my side, or sitting on my leg. When she’s in that mood, she makes those cute chicken trills and purrs, just content to be there. Which is why I put up with the rest lol. The damn bird loves me as much as a chicken loves anything but food.

    She’s actually right here next to me, alternating between preening, pecking at the letters on the tablet screen, and making cute noises so I’ll pay attention to her while she preens.

  • Yup.

    Was playing Santa, going around to the patients of the home health company I worked for at the time. We were in the boss’s car and she had a dedicated GPS device. Can’t recall which brand.

    But it’s easy to get lost in the more remote sections of the tri-county area, even with GPS.

    Before GPS became ubiquitous on phones, the grunt labor for home health had to rely on mapquest and such to get to the right area, and prayer to find a specific home.

    There were some of us that knew the area well, and we’d get calls from the office asking for directions to places that weren’t mapped right. And that would be while we were working, or even at weird hours.

    I was one of the last people I knew to have a cell phone at all, largely because I refuse to be at anyone’s beck and call. But the boss actually got a phone and paid me to carry it just for directions. We got along unusually well, but it was still a very aggressive negotiation on when I would answer the damn thing.

    Anyway, yeah, that winter I played Santa the first time was the first time I used a GPS device. I was driving, and could have found most of the places without one, but it was nice to not have to be constantly on the lookout for that one tree that made a driveway almost invisible, or remember exactly which curve you’d come around and have to turn off a paved road that you could barely see even if the road had been straight.

  • Yup. Totally real. It’s all essentially public information to begin with. You have to have an address for taxes, and deeds need names on them. So there’s a certain degree of information that’s going to be available to pretty much everyone, if they go looking.

    Phone books were useful at one point, though less so for individuals. They’re still useful for local businesses.