My all time favorites are:
The Incal - Moebious & Jodo
Before the Incal - Janjetov & Jodo
The Meta Barons - Giménez & Jodo
Fragments of the Encyclopedia of Dolphins - Prado
Nikopol Trilogy - Enki Bilal
The Techno Priests - Janjetov & Beltran & Jodo
Jeremiah - Herman
Megalex -Beltran & Jodo
What do you think about those and what are your favorites?
I’m not much a bédé fan, but I read the “The Meta Barons” a long time ago, and found it very interesting… If a bit too violent (or sometime crude) for my tastes.
My favorite series is certainly the Achilles Talon series. Which, granted, have sometimes more text than images on the page.
Funny, I just randomly came across that series today. I’ll have to check out an album or two.
Btw, I’m trying to provide a diverse series of reviews in this community, so maybe one day you’ll find something else that sounds interesting.
I have no idea what it’s worth translated, but “Le Roi des Zotres”, “La Main du Serpent” and “L’archipel des Sanzunron” (in French) are some of my favorites. The hurricane of puns is a sight to behold.