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The original was posted on /r/sweden by /u/Usual-Lie4510 at 2023-10-09 04:31:23+00:00.

  • Dannebot@leddit.danmark.partyOPMB
    1 year ago

    AdvantagePlus4711 at 2023-10-09 05:44:28+00:00 ID: k43jln8

    Well, look at history… When the British decided to give half of Palestine to the Jews, then there were about ×10 as many Palestinians as jews living in the area. Then the Jews took more than half the land and has since 1948 committed numerous atrocities against the Palestinians, all by the blessing of uncle Sam… As the biggest lobbying group in US politics are the Jews… They spend about ×10 what the gun lobby is spending, and you know how crazy Americans are with guns and the second amendment. And then the occupation of Palestinian land keeps spreading, with the IDF clearing out areas, forcing the Palestinians to leave their family land so that Israeli settlements can be built there instead… Israeli settlers are killing loads of Palestinians each year so that they can steal the land. Then we have the Palestinians living inside Israel, they are treated like second class citizens with their rights taken from them, just like in South Africa during apartheid. However, I don’t approve of what Hamas did, but I can understand why they did it as this is something the Israelis have been pushing them into for a long time.

    And remember Folke Bernadotte, he was trying to broker peace in Palestine, and he had helped save 31,000 people from German concentration camps, including 450 Danish Jews… And the Jews returned the favour by murdering him… And the murderer became an Israel prime minister…

    So yeah, the Palestinians fighting back against their oppressors is kind of the same as the Ukrainians fighting back the Russians… But the Palestinians have not had western help as the Israelis have been killing them since 1948…

    And if you don’t see that, then you are the one who has a twisted view in reality… Remember that since the 1980’s Israel has killed more Palestinian children (under 18) than the Palestinians have killed Israelis in total…

    Or to make it easier to understand… This was a Fuck around and find out moment for Israel

    • Dannebot@leddit.danmark.partyOPMB
      1 year ago

      SIIP00 at 2023-10-09 07:10:32+00:00 ID: k43n9t5

      Not really true though is it… Palestine and arab nations were the first to attack, they were the initial aggressors. Israel has committed numerous atrocities and treated Palestinians very poorly, but it is also ridiculous to leave out that Palestine and the rest of the arab nations were the initial aggressors.