• Riccosuave@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Jews saying what is or isn’t antisemitism is propaganda? Nice propaganda yourself.

    ^ This is literally you conflating the ADL as being the voice for all Jews on what is or isn’t anti-semitic. You are too hyprociritical to even play by your own rules, and want to paint with your own broad brush. You apparently refuse to accept that Israel has a long history of utilizing state sanctioned propaganda to justify its atrocities because you are either uncomfortable with those ethical implications or you believe the ends justify the means.

    Secondarily, I never said Benjamin Netanyahu spoke for all “Jews”. I find it to be ironic that you used that label rather than “Israelis” because it implies that Israel is an ethno-religious state by YOUR OWN FREUDIAN ADMISSION. I would never suggest that the leader of a country speaks for all of its citizens. I certainly don’t think Donald Trump speaks for all Americans, nor does Joe Biden for that matter.

    HOWEVER, I am certainly able to point out a leaders use of convenient propaganda to justify their continuing and escalating authoritarian actions. Which, is exactly what we have seen Bejnamin Netanyahu do so far in response to this violence. Yep, justify more violence, more asymmetrical responses, and push the envelope even further to eradicating all Palestinians. It’s pretty “on-brand” if I do say so myself…

    Lastly, I support the religious freedom of all groups as long as they do not harm or disenfranchise any other group in that process. That is what the free exercise of religion is founded upon, as well as the freedom FROM religion for all of us who do not believe. So you keep lying all you want, and trying to paint me as a bigot. I couldn’t give a fuck less.