Okay I had this idea and I now desperately need this to be a thing so I’m sharing it here bc my only other social media is discord. So Omegavese is based of of the social sucture of wolf packs right? (or, at least, ho we used to think of the social struture of wolf packs.) So why not make new fanfiction aus based off of the social stucture of other animals.

Like silverbackverse based on gorillas with silverback males being in charge of famlies, competing with other males. Does a father want to raise his blackback child into a strong silverback with his own troope or does he see his kid as competion, threating his dominice of the group.

Or an AU based on praying mantis. Female mantises often need to eat male mantis after mating bc having children takes so much energy that she would die if she didn’t. Imagine the angst you could write by slapping this dynamic onto humans. A women desperate to have kids but terrified of losing the love of her life in the process.

Or ants with there systems of queens, males and workers. Or the sex-changing clownfish. Or white-throated sparrows that are consider to have four sexes due to their 2 different colour morphs, tan-striped and white striped which affect behavior and mating strategies.

I could go on forever bc there are so many animals with so many differing sexes and social hieraches. Why did we stop at wolves? Think of all the dynamics that could play out, the social issues that could be created, the ways you could flip it all on its head. Not to mention the sex scences! I need this in my life.

Feel free to take this idea and run with it. Also if anything like this already exists please tell me.