• venusaur@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I never said I was voting for anybody. And you’ve clearly bought into the scare tactics. You honestly think the president has the power to stop voting? Relax. Take 4 more years of Trump and get it over with. Dems are losers. They need to wake up and give the people what they want instead of relying on scare tactics.

    • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Yes, and you thinking he can’t is giving American democracy too much credit. You have more faith in the system than any lib if you think that unironically.

      • venusaur@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        You’re catastrophizing. Understandable, but not realistic and not healthy. Really think it through. How could the president put an end to voting in the United States? Especially in 4 years. If you think that’s possible, think about why democrats haven’t then tried to reform the electoral college. Because they don’t want true democracy either.

        Yes Trump would swing a lot of things right, but not to the extent that democrats are scaring people into believing.

        • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          You share the lack of perspective that most libs have. You don’t understand just how unstable our world is. You have a lack of imagination, similar to me when I was younger, mostly because my parents kept me sheltered from the world they grew up in. Growing up poor and Latino in dysfunctional households motivated them to protect me.

          Unlike you, I did eventually learn how dangerous the world can be without suffering the worst of it. I read about history, learned about political science, and talked with people who actually remember how terrible the world can be. The challenges we are nearly guaranteed to face in the next decade will come as such a brutal shock to people who’ve never been in danger.

          You think Trump swinging “a lot of things right” isn’t a big deal because you’re privileged as fuck, even compared to me. I grew up near your city, and there was a common sense of ignorance that I noticed. People just didn’t have the same financial concerns my family had. I always felt like an outsider in terms of class, even if the people were supposedly progressive. Get Out felt so relatable to me because I’d spent my life around out of touch liberals like you.

          You’re not ill intentioned, just privileged, protected by the consequences of politics. You’re calling me hysterical because you’re a Dunning-Kruger champagne socialist. I’m not trying to play oppression Olympics, as I’m privileged too, but you don’t understand how dangerous and brutal the world is.

          • venusaur@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Says the person who wants to vote for a man who is literally actively aiding in the murder of innocent children and families. Take your sob story to a therapist and stop projecting your own lived experience onto people you know nothing about. I’m worried about you. Do you need help?