I mean it worked. I don’t see any witches
Oh fun stuff, in Canada and the USA, the governments actually gave companies hundreds of millions dollars to build fibre optic networks. The companies proceeded to do NOTHING and the governments did nothing about it.
I’d look it up to back up my sources, but my internet connection is so slow. I’d call that irony, IF ONLY I COULD LOOK UP THE DEFINITION
“Hey, I was wondering if you could help me figure something out. I was really flattered by your invite the other day, but I’m not interested in dating right now. I enjoy your friendship and I don’t want to jeopardize it. Is there a way we can comfortably set boundaries without ruining that?”
IMO this way you let them know you’re interested in maintaining a relationship but at a friendship level. You demonstrate that you care about their feelings while clearly establishing the need for specific boundaries.
Also, “Pierre” also means “rock” in french, so his name could be translated to “Stone Wolf Clawed”
Are those coffee stains or are you just spilly to see me
oh that chicken fucker would
Some people don’t want to conform to your leg-prisons to appease your draconian fashion sense
I feel like it would be one of those high AC/low damage roll fights
It’s the same combination on my luggage!
Get in the depression region of collective human consciousness, Shinji
Ah, the art of bushit-o
I was saying temperature, not spiciness
The argument still stands; god is either incapable of creating a universe without suffering where you can still derive meaning, or is not willing to create one.
The only potential explanation I could see is the absolutes in which we set things. The paradox of an ultimate being is flawed (could god microwave a burrito so hot that not even he could eat it?) because it presumes that the being exists within the confines of two opposing absolutes cannot coexist; something either is, or isn’t. However, if some being would be considered supreme in our universe, it could be because it exists outside of its confinements, meaning that conflicting realities (paradoxes) are possible - the burrito is both not too hot for god to eat, while at the same still being too hot for him to eat. It’s just not possible for us to comprehend because in our understanding of reality, something cannot exist simultaneously as the opposite of what we’ve recognized it as. It would mean it either no longer fits the definition, or reality exists in a way that’s so much more complicated at the same time.
It’s often expressed in multiverses in a lot of fictional settings; a universe where god made a burrito so hot not even he could eat it, and a parallel universe where he could, and both universes are both observable and interactable with god. But even then, it’s kinda brain-melting, like some kind of nuclear-hot brain burrito.
I’m sorry, I’m kind of hungry.
That title strained my peepers
Though I’m glad they’re making a recovery, I’m also in favour of arming the birds to help them fight back
I went to bed at 10pm after cleaning my bathroom and putting away my clothes. I woke up 5 hours later with a cold. No regerts
Injurious bastards
I wanna see a Dog Wick spin-off. John is the one that stays at home and the dog goes out to protect him
<the lore/gameplay/soundtrack/story were great/instant classic>
You ever notice how Troy McLure breakdances like this, while Dr Zaius breakdances like this?