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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023

  • Sean, this article is really reaching.

    • “#10 Mastodon doesn’t have algorithms” this is pedantry. Of course chronological sorting is technically an algorithm, but we don’t mean basic sorting when we say algorithm. When people refer to social algorithms they mean sorting based on algorithms that change the order from the chronological order based on any number of factors such as a post’s virality, who posted it, its topic, if someone’s paid for it to be boosted, and so on. So no, Mastodon’s main feeds do not have algorithms in the colloquial usage of the word.
    • “Myth #6: Mastodon respects your privacy, and is ideal for secure communication” woah hold up, privacy and security are two very different things. Mastodon does respect my privacy in some ways far more than other social sites, in that my data and actions are not being tracked and monetised, but yes it’s not secure.
    • “Myth #5: If you’re on a bad server, you can easily move to a good one” strongly agree with this one, but it also misses a major reason that this is a myth: you can’t migrate your post history.
    • “Myth #4: Mastodon Federation basically works like email.” jesus, this is massive pedantry. Of course it doesn’t work the same on a technical level. All the email metaphor is for is telling people that you’re on one provider but you can talk to everybody on all other providers. The metaphor ends there. And “the metaphor is closer to Usenet groups than it is to the kind of email communication most people are familiar with”? Please don’t use Usenet as an example unless your audience is 40+ and techy. Barely anybody knows what that is.
    • “Myth #3: Mastodon is so much nicer than other places! The problem is a confusion of cause and effect.” What? No. The cause is people, on average, in comparison to other major social sites, genuinely being nicer. There are plenty of other places on the internet just as nice as Mastodon, but Mastodon is far nicer in comparison to the other major social networks. People are generally comparing to Twitter when they make that comparison, and that comparison is 100% true.
    • “Myth #1: Mastodon is Easy to Use!” lol this is not a myth, at all. I don’t think anybody using Mastodon is unaware of its UX and UI flaws.

    1. Yes, hashtags override language settings. Or more accurately, language settings don’t apply to your home timeline, which is not a public timeline. Language settings only apply to public timelines, which is kinda a bug, IMO: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/20937.

    2. You can see posts from hashtags in two places. One, they show up in your home timeline. Two, on the hashtag’s feed, e.g. https://[server address]/tags/wearos. You can navigate to a hashtag’s feed from multiple places - you can see your followed hashtags at https://[server address]/followed_tags, you can click on any hashtag in a post, or you can search a hashtag.

    You only see the repos es that propagate to your instance.

    Pretty sure that’s been mangled by autocorrect and is supposed to say “You only see the replies that propagate to your instance.”

  • It’s a bit dumb that the only way you can view it is on mouseover. Would be good if you could click the image, or there was an alt text icon to click.

    This is not the answer you probably want to hear but if you really want to copy the text, right-click on the image and select ‘inspect’ or ‘Inspect Accessibility Properties’. In both places you can find the alt text and copy it.