My life and interests in bullet points.
- mother to a severely dyslexic kid. I do a lot of advocating, as severe dyslexics get shut out of the written internet so you do not see their viewpoints expressed.
- long covid suffer, but able to manage it
- Engineer, except math and science jokes.
- Crafter, mainly sewing. Love any kind craft and art.
- Lover of history and architecture
- old house lover, love my 90 year old house.
- black cat affectionado. So cats.
@DanielMenjivar @sewing Cutting tables are wonderful things!
For mine, I used 2 ikea trestle tables pushed together, giving me a 60x60 surface at a comfortable height. I screwed boards across the trestle A-frames to create storage space under table, and can pile ungodly amount of stuff underneath without anything really touch the floor.
And it is cat approved.