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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


    1. If your issues are specifically with the way medication is prescribed, then your arguments need to be focused at psychiatrists/ general practitioners. Therapists do not prescribe medication. We do therapy.

    2. I cited a type of therapy in my last post that literally helps empower clients to seek systemic change in their environment. Look it up and read up before you claim that therapists “don’t seem to be pushing the appropriate solutions”.

    While it may seem like semantics, the myth that therapists are pill pushers is widely circulated and often cited as a reason for people not getting help sooner. It’s important that people understand that there is meaningful help out there, and statements made in your comment are not helpful to them.

  • While I’m sure that there are some therapists out there who don’t focus on this much, I assure you any modern day therapist worth their salt has had extensive systems training and is VERY aware of the environmental pressures their clients are facing. There are even entire theories that operate from this perspective. Look up the Liberation Health Model.

    What might be fair to claim is that the PHARMACOLOGICAL industrial complex is myopically focused on the individual. But given the nature of big pharma, I would express doubt on this as well. They are also very systems savvy as they created the system itself.