

Leftist, horror movies, programming, dumb obscure indie games, angry techno, deathcore, enjoyer of theory.

ghost might be a reference to spectre or just a play on a trapcore artist name…

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • We almost “adopted” a neighborhood cat we named Tabby because she was a calico(or the other way around, I forget now) becuse she showed up and i ded her dome tuna and she never left. We were gonna pick her up if she wasn’t claimed when we moved but another neighbor was also feeding her and had the same idea.

    We have 2 now though. Once is a shelter adoption and the other was from a litter through some people we know. The shelter one is my bestie but the litter one is a little shit. He chews all our stuff but also hangs out with me when I’m working on code so he’s not so bad. Just had to learn how to cat-proof a bunch of stuff. He still finds Legos or wires though.

  • I have a black flag, an AnCom(like my banner), and Anarcha Feminism(purple and black) one. Then I have a trans rights one, a smash the patriarchy one, and one that says All Cats Are Beautiful(ACAB). I also have Black Fist and Pride Flag/Inclusive one. I stay away from Hammer and Sickle just because it’s so known. The earnings sound cute though lol. A lot of these can be marked up as like just being progressive I guess.

    I want a DSA rose eventually.

    Overall, it’s sort of all over the place but each sort of represents the stages I have gone through along my leftist journey.

  • I was at a local bookstore/clothing consignment/vinyl shop with a friend because he collects vinyl. I was looking through the books and spotted “A People’s History of the United States” by Zinn and ended up picking it up for another friend. I started talking to the owner as I was ringing up about the few leftist texts that he had and how it’s kind of cool to see that sort of thing in the TX panhandle since there aren’t really many leftists here and he simply replied “yeah, we’re out there.”

    I now call that place the “Commie Record Store” lol.

    Last time I was there he had a 4th print edition of State and Revolution from 1935, that is now in my possession. The book is super old and the spine is brittle and I don’t know what to do with it, but I feel like it’s somehow special now.

    He now acts as my source for physical books. I mostly read digital but I would like a small collection of “the classics” so to speak.

    And similar to comrade Queerecommie, I have a hat with several buttons that anyone here would recognize but the average lib won’t. I also use the big nerdy Marx words like dialectics, material conditions, praxis, bourgeois, etc.