I don’t like watching that kind of stuff, but this song vibes with fubar things you can see online.
I’ve never understood why anyone would say that communism was never tried. Socialism has been tried and built (and its a pretty robust system), but don’t you need a hegemony of world socialist powers as a prerequisite to establish communism?
I look forward to the concequences of the loss of US support of Israel. It will quickly become diplomacy or death.
I wouldn’t get it until its on the list on this page:
I guess this is the limitations of the UAF’s ability to train people. Towards what end are these kids getting conscripted? What good is resistance to the Russians for the people of present day Ukraine? More bodies stacked up, but what is the reason? How is Ukraine worth all of this loss of human lives?
Learned helplessness is surprisingly common in the “land of freedom”
make sure to use the food grade diatomacious earth FYI.
As all Anarchists know, reading is authoritarian.
These look like underground bunkers, so I don’t know if they could remote sense it via drone or satellite. Maybe if they need to compulsively post their position on reddit? Also, why wouldn’t the Russian Federation use documents of what the USSR built?
If you have the resources to keep dangerous people locked up for their lifetime, if they really are that dangerous, then it’s not that bad if it is a very small population.
In the US, that kind of policy could look like the shining path.
I’m in favor of policies that promote respect and harmony.
I’m in favor of keeping piles of corpses to a minimum and convert mild reactionaries to more open minded people.
I’d prefer those that openly advocate for black genocide or killing LGBT should be sent to re-education centers at the very least.
Frothing at the mouth fascist militias and spree shooters should be executed though.
It should be called the black wiki of capitalism
Yeonmi Park
She’s a meme about what kind of stories Yanks believe about North Korea.
However, IF the time comes for a revolution those that like leftist memes won’t stop the mobilized leftists and might contribute in some minor way, but not huge.
Power is the ability to get people to labor in a particular direction. so a portion of people that don’t work that much towards the revolution can still helpful a little.
That said, yea we should not encourage complacency or reward that kind of behavior.
That is from one of those parallel universes where a general of the Tsarist regime took up the moniker Stalin and the bolshevik revolution never happened. Alt history gets wierd fast.
I think as an Alaskan you should refer to people from other states as the lower 49ers just to make people that are half listening to think you are talking about American Football.
Is this because they are fascists and fascists are incapable of building anything other than weapons and torture devices? They have to use what was built by an early communist government and rely on it.
That would be an effective and interesting way to stop Cop City in Atlanta.
(yes I am misunderstanding geography intentionally)
Have you seen pictures of china lately? even the smaller cities look like nice places to live.