1kg of gold would fuck up so many of the world populations people, much like the lottery
1kg of gold would fuck up so many of the world populations people, much like the lottery
Using the nurses study data. A food frequency questionnaire
Do you remember what you ate for lunch Monday? How about 5 years ago? That’s what a food frequency questionnaire asks. This one counts a McDonald’s big Mac meal with a bucket of coke as “red meat”
Garbage in/garbage out
To the moon. Still 9 days to go, now $676
Every second bid is J_S. Wonder how high they’ll go
How’s your bid going? Top is $676 now. I wonder if it’ll go to ,$1000. I wonder how many of the bidders are from hexbear, trying to save it
Ah, that’s why we don’t know you. Most of us sort things in ways that show us good not bad
I’m taking it as “grew up and realised he had been an idiot, so stopped talking to them or supporting the cause”
Counter examples only refute when they are publicised. When they are ignored because the status quo is preferred they achieve little
See for example low carb nutrition
Shoot the people, the people eat all the fish /s
CO binds to haemoglobin (the oxygen carriers in your blood) just like O^2, but a little stronger. Effectively each molecule of CO puts one haemoglobin out of action, making you less able to transport oxygen out of your lungs
It’s avoiding bad outcomes. Babies from closely related people often have problems. Practically every culture has a method of avoiding close relatives breeding
Eugenics is about breeding for desirable qualities, a eugenicist’s ideal person still couldn’t make good kids with a close relative
There’s not many* types of mosquito that are a problem for humans. If we wiped out the dangerous ones, there would still be plenty of mozzy to go around
*I feel like it’s either 1 or 3
The difference between your scenario and the glitch is that in the glitch you are in fact not actually falling
They added a “plus” in the middle of the word “human”
If me in computer games that allow character alteration in game is any guide I would be re-speccing myself daily sometimes until I find a look that’s right then sticking to that for ages
You do if it’s a lightly cooked beef arse you’re eating
We have blood vessels in front of our visual sensors. Squid and octopuses have better designed eyes.
I don’t know how we compare in visual acuity to them, but they don’t need to fake as much of their visual field as we do
Stop eating whatever is messing with your guts
Your article says processed meat, your title says red meat?