What about from a nintendo
What about from a nintendo
Alain de Botton did some really good philosophy videos, maybe for the BBC.
Many people say so. I don’t know. Edit: the second bit, not the illegal bit.
It is less than ideal.
I only hope that it gets people used to the idea that you can leave a platform and the sky wont fall down. Sooner or later these guys will try a federated service and learn that protocols > platforms (in this case activitypub).
Also the beryllium.
The one with a boomerang on the logo? I swear they used to be in WA too.
Pedant here:
A homophone is a number of words that sound the same.
You monster!
I always upvote people who alway upvote people who always upvote people who always upvote people spreading the good word. Although, this is my first time doing it I think.
Careful, they’ll do emojis next.
Difficult to extinguish you say?
When you see something sad you gas it with flourine - got it.
Super good looking. It will get a patina to it but its famously corrosion resistant. There is a reason they make propellers out of it.
I’m not sure how it will go for galvanic corrosion from the blades. Should be fine with stainless screws/parts.